Second quarter 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Apr 1 15:06:40 PST 2006
Ending: Thu Jun 29 08:47:18 PDT 2006
Messages: 224
- [sf-lug] looking for a laptop
Michael Cheselka
- [sf-lug] Can anyone recommend a SBC board?
Thomas DiZoglio
- [sf-lug] Can anyone recommend a SBC board?
Thomas DiZoglio
- [sf-lug] [new-sfwow] (jobs) This is interesting....
Thomas DiZoglio
- [sf-lug] monster opensource article, last night's Drive of the Penguins
Thomas DiZoglio
- [sf-lug] monster opensource article, last night's Drive of the Penguins
Thomas DiZoglio
- [sf-lug] [new-sfwow] (jobs) This is interesting....
Thomas DiZoglio
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Anti-DRM efforts in the San-Francisco area
Thomas DiZoglio
- [sf-lug] Jobs?
Beau Gould
- [sf-lug] [JOB] Principle Solutions Architect, San Francisco, CA | 120-140k
Beau Gould
- [sf-lug] [JOB] Senior LAMP Developer, San Jose, CA
Beau Gould
- [sf-lug] Free Workshop Ticket
Geoffrey Grosenbach
- [sf-lug] Reviews..
Romel Jacinto
- [sf-lug] [fwd] SVLUG Apr 5th meeting: "Automating Software Builds"
Bill Kendrick
- [sf-lug] [new-sfwow] (jobs) This is interesting....
Bill Kendrick
- [sf-lug] Linux Users' Group of Davis meets tonight (4/17); Topic: "gtkmm" ("GTK minus minus")
Bill Kendrick
- [sf-lug] Tux Paint speaker help needed tonight!
Bill Kendrick
- [sf-lug] [fwd] DCamp: an unconference about design & user experience [May 12/13, Palo Alto]
Bill Kendrick
- [sf-lug] last Sunday's SF-LUG meeting news
Bill Kendrick
- [sf-lug] Another victory...
Bill Kendrick
- [sf-lug] Another victory...
Bill Kendrick
- [sf-lug] Poll...
Bill Kendrick
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Bill Kendrick
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Bill Kendrick
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Bill Kendrick
- [sf-lug] Mandrakelinux 10.1 compatable sound card
Alex Kleider
- [sf-lug] sf-lug Digest, Vol 5, Issue 20
Alex Kleider
- [sf-lug] OT - Perl / CPAN question
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] [new-sfwow] (jobs) This is interesting....
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] [new-sfwow] (jobs) This is interesting....
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] Jobs?
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] Jobs?
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] Fwd: URGENT (YAJP--yet another job posting)
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] looking for a laptop
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] Ubuntu 6.06 LTS "Dapper Drake" has been released
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] Posting and Announcement
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] Posting and Announcement
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] Company offers Linux wireless drivers to 2.6 kernel under GPL
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] (Tech) Developers responsibility...Saga continues
Adrien Lamothe
- [sf-lug] Mandrakelinux 10.1 compatable sound card
John Lowry
- [sf-lug] sf-lug Digest, Vol 5, Issue 20
John Lowry
- [sf-lug] Another victory...
John Lowry
- [sf-lug] Creative Commons movie created with Blender
John Lowry
- [sf-lug] wifi for CentOS thinkpad
John Lowry
- [sf-lug] meeting monday night, 6:00 at javacat
Sarah Mei
- [sf-lug] meeting monday night, 6:00 at javacat
Sarah Mei
- [sf-lug] Monday night at the Javacat (and a little poll)
Sarah Mei
- [sf-lug] Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings
Sarah Mei
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Sarah Mei
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Sarah Mei
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Sarah Mei
- [sf-lug] Ubuntu 6.06 LTS "Dapper Drake" has been released
Sarah Mei
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Anti-DRM efforts in the San-Francisco area
Sarah Mei
- [sf-lug] (Tech) Developers responsibility...Saga continues
Sarah Mei
- [sf-lug] (Tech) Developers responsibility...Saga continues
Sarah Mei
- [sf-lug] OT - Perl / CPAN question
Deirdre Saoirse Moen
- [sf-lug] [new-sfwow] (jobs) This is interesting....
Deirdre Saoirse Moen
- [sf-lug] (Tech) Developers responsibility...Saga continues
Deirdre Saoirse Moen
- [sf-lug] meeting news, books, free Ubuntu
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Reviews..
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Geekville!
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] [new-sfwow] (jobs) This is interesting....
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] monster opensource article, last night's Drive of the Penguins
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Jobs?
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Jobs?
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Provide for fileserver search via web?
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] last Sunday's SF-LUG meeting news
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] are you where?
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] are you where?
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Another victory...
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Another victory...
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Another victory...
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Another victory...
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Another victory...
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] maillist admin work
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] DRM (was: Consumer & admin)
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] committing to a distro, automated updates
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] committing to a distro, automated updates
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] committing to a distro, automated updates
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Ubuntu 6.06 LTS "Dapper Drake" has been released
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Posting and Announcement
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] wifi for CentOS thinkpad
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] wifi for CentOS thinkpad
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] wifi for CentOS thinkpad
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] free advertising and free movie
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Posting and Announcement
Ida A Momtaheni
- [sf-lug] Jobs?
Greg Nelson
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Greg Nelson
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Greg Nelson
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
Greg Nelson
- [sf-lug] committing to a distro, automated updates
David Reber
- [sf-lug] sf-lug machine in javacat
David Reber
- [sf-lug] BBC documentary on Free and Open Source Software
John Reilly
- [sf-lug] Reviews..
David Rosenstrauch
- [sf-lug] sf-lug machine in javacat
David Rosenstrauch
- [sf-lug] monster opensource article, last night's Drive of the Penguins
Lx Rudis
- [sf-lug] Another victory...
Lx Rudis
- [sf-lug] Poll...
Lx Rudis
- [sf-lug] committing to a distro, automated updates
Lx Rudis
- [sf-lug] maillist admin work
Lx Rudis
- [sf-lug] (Tech) Developers responsibility...Saga continues
Lx Rudis
- [sf-lug] A ROM bootable OS
Andrew Stanton
- [sf-lug] A ROM bootable OS
Andrew Stanton
- [sf-lug] A news site
David Sterry
- [sf-lug] Another victory...
David Sterry
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
David Sterry
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
David Sterry
- [sf-lug] looking for a laptop
David Sterry
- [sf-lug] meeting monday night at Javacat
Jim Stockford
- [sf-lug] A news site
Jim Stockford
- [sf-lug] last Sunday's SF-LUG meeting news
Jim Stockford
- [sf-lug] Another victory...
Jim Stockford
- [sf-lug] Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings
Jim Stockford
- [sf-lug] sun does good this quarter
Jim Stockford
- [sf-lug] RedHat thoughts...
Jim Stockford
- [sf-lug] Starting studying...
Jim Stockford
- [sf-lug] wifi for CentOS thinkpad
Jim Stockford
- [sf-lug] Posting and Announcement
- [sf-lug] free advertising and free movie
- [sf-lug] free advertising and free movie
- [sf-lug] Provide for fileserver search via web?
Jason Turner
- [sf-lug] meeting news, books, free Ubuntu
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Geekville!
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] Fwd: SF-LUG at SFSU Tuesday 6:30
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] last night's Drive of the Penguins
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] BBC documentary on Free and Open Source Software
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] BBC documentary on Free and Open Source Software
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] A ROM bootable OS
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] Ubuntu 6.06 LTS "Dapper Drake" has been released
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] Ubuntu 6.06 LTS "Dapper Drake" has been released
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] OT - Perl / CPAN question
kevin.kempter at
- [sf-lug] Reviews..
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] OT - Perl / CPAN question
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Geekville!
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] RedHat certification study group
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Fwd: [new-sfwow] (job) Web Producer - Broadband/Interactive
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Fwd: [new-sfwow] (job)Fwd: Linux Development / Admin position
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Fwd: [new-sfwow] (event) Free nonprofit event on remixing web technologies for social change this Tuesday at Varnish
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] [new-sfwow] (jobs) This is interesting....
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] [new-sfwow] (jobs) This is interesting....
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Fwd: [new-sfwow] (event) 4/22, Maker Faire April 22-23 with the Mythbusters!
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] meeting monday night, 6:00 at javacat
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Save the internet...
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Fw: Honda You have got to see this......
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] BBC documentary on Free and Open Source Software
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Poll...
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] RedHat thoughts...
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] (Event) SF-LUG Meeting 6/4 Javacat in SF & Beginning of Linux StudyGroup
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Anti-DRM efforts in the San-Francisco area
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Anti-DRM efforts in the San-Francisco area
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Ubuntu 6.06 LTS "Dapper Drake" has been released
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Posting and Announcement
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Starting studying...
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] Help out there
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] (Tech) Developers responsibility...Saga continues
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] (Tech) Back it up...Or PG&E may turn it off
vincent polite
- [sf-lug] link to intro to ruby on rails
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] maria dilisio at willis needs a linux expert
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, March 27
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] meeting news, books, free Ubuntu
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Geekville!
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] RedHat certification study group
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] RedHat certification study group
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: SF-LUG at SFSU Tuesday 6:30
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Tuesday meeting at SFSU 6:30
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] [new-sfwow] (jobs) This is interesting....
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] [new-sfwow] (jobs) This is interesting....
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Can anyone recommend a SBC board?
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Technical Program Set for Gelato Linux-Itanium Conference
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] somebody wants a linux hosted mail server
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: O'Reilly Introduces "Running Boot Camp"
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Seeking LINUX Help for mail server
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] meeting monday night, 6:00 at javacat
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] meeting monday night, 6:00 at javacat
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Free Software Foundation volunteer page
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Newsletter from the O'Reilly UG Program, April 20
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: sf-lug Digest, Vol 5, Issue 20
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Jobs?
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] ubuntu live cds
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Jobs?
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Provide for fileserver search via web?
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: O'Reilly UG Program News: DSUG Discount Changes
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] SF-LUG Sunday, 11 to 1 at the javacat
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] last Sunday's SF-LUG meeting news
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] are you where?
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: URGENT (YAJP--yet another job posting)
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Monday night at the Javacat (and a little poll)
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Another victory...
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Another victory...
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] maillist admin work
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Consumer & admin (was: Possibly interesting data point on jobs postings)
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] maillist admin work
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] busy day at the javacat
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, May 15
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: User Groups: Apress Spring Newsletter Finally Here!
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] looking for a laptop
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] sf-lug machine in javacat
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] RHCT/E study group
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] the box is in
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] A ROM bootable OS
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] a bit more about "TheBox"
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Anti-DRM efforts in the San-Francisco area
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] saturday ride to apple store
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: San Francisco - Join Henri Poole and FSF members on Saturday
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Fwd: Final Details for Saturday Morning Apple DRM Action
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Posting and Announcement
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] Posting and Announcement
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] meeting at the Javacat Monday 6:00 PM
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] (Tech) Developers responsibility...Saga continues
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] wifi for CentOS thinkpad
jim stockford
- [sf-lug] free advertising and free movie
jim stockford
Last message date:
Thu Jun 29 08:47:18 PDT 2006
Archived on: Thu Dec 29 20:02:26 PST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).