Third quarter 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jul 1 21:49:41 PDT 2012
Ending: Tue Sep 25 10:59:15 PDT 2012
Messages: 161
- [sf-lug] Linux mint - keyboard switchin hangul
Frantisek Apfelbeck
- [sf-lug] Linux mint - keyboard switchin hangul
Frantisek Apfelbeck
- [sf-lug] virtualbox - windows xp - problem to connect to Internet (Microsoft Explorer)
Frantisek Apfelbeck
- [sf-lug] virtualbox - windows xp - problem to connect to Internet (Microsoft Explorer)
Frantisek Apfelbeck
- [sf-lug] virtualbox - windows xp - problem to connect to Internet (Microsoft Explorer)
Frantisek Apfelbeck
- [sf-lug] ddrescue on a scsi drive
Joe Baker
- [sf-lug] Launching apps under Ubuntu Unity.
Steve M Bibayoff
- [sf-lug] Hello
Aaron Borden
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Jeff Bragg
- [sf-lug] Launching apps under Ubuntu Unity.
Larry Cafiero
- [sf-lug] Mandriva's problems(as a business)
Larry Cafiero
- [sf-lug] Launching apps under Ubuntu Unity.
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] First peek at the Intuit notebook donation
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] First peek at the Intuit notebook donation
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] First peek at the Intuit notebook donation
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] For John S. What is happening inside Microsoft...
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] Pizza, Networking and installing Linux at Creative Arts Charter School
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] Pizza, Networking and installing Linux at Creative Arts Charter School
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] Pizza, Networking and installing Linux at Creative Arts Charter School
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] D-link WBR-2310
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] D-link router
Christian Einfeldt
- [sf-lug] Hello
Samir Faci
- [sf-lug] (no subject)
Samir Faci
- [sf-lug] Pizza, Networking and installing Linux at Creative Arts Charter School
- [sf-lug] resolver problem
Tom Haddon
- [sf-lug] higher resolution displays due in 2013
Mike Higashi
- [sf-lug] resolver problem
Mike Higashi
- [sf-lug] D-link WBR-2310
Ehud Kaldor
- [sf-lug] virtualbox - windows xp - problem to connect to Internet (Microsoft Explorer)
Ehud Kaldor
- [sf-lug] virtualbox - windows xp - problem to connect to Internet (Microsoft Explorer)
Ehud Kaldor
- [sf-lug] virtualbox - windows xp - problem to connect to Internet (Microsoft Explorer)
Ehud Kaldor
- [sf-lug] Connectivity problem
Alex Kleider
- [sf-lug] Connectivity problem
Alex Kleider
- [sf-lug] resolver problem
Alex Kleider
- [sf-lug] resolver problem
Alex Kleider
- [sf-lug] resolver problem
Alex Kleider
- [sf-lug] resolver problem
Alex Kleider
- [sf-lug] resolver problem
Alex Kleider
- [sf-lug] D-link WBR-2310
Alex Kleider
- [sf-lug] SF-LUG meets Next Monday September 17, 2012
Alex Kleider
- [sf-lug] how to install linux on laptop with no cd drive?
Asheesh Laroia
- [sf-lug] how to install linux on laptop with no cd drive?
Asheesh Laroia
- [sf-lug] how to install linux on laptop with no cd drive?
Asheesh Laroia
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Remedial civics: Charter schools are private schools (was: computer work at a public school this Saturday)
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Remedial civics: Charter schools are private schools (was: computer work at a public school this Saturday)
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Remedial civics: Charter schools are private schools
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Remedial civics: Charter schools are private schools (was: computer work at a public school this Saturday)
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] UEFI motherboard available SUSE UEFI plans
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] what is kondemand and how to put it in a cage?
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] resolver problem
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] resolver problem
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] Java Exploit code found
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] On participating in the community
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] SF-LUG meets Next Monday September 17, 2012
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] SF-LUG meets Next Monday September 17, 2012
Rick Moen
- [sf-lug] higher resolution displays due in 2013
Brian Morris
- [sf-lug] higher resolution displays due in 2013
Brian Morris
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Dan Murphy
- [sf-lug] BALUG: Tu 2012-07-17: screen(1), presented by Michael Paoli; & other BALUG news
Michael Paoli
- [sf-lug] reminder TODAY!: BALUG: screen(1), presented by Michael Paoli; & other BALUG news
Michael Paoli
- [sf-lug] BALUG TOMORROW! Tu 2012-08-21 BALUG meeting
Michael Paoli
- [sf-lug] BALUG TOMORROW! Tu: Gary Longoria on Scratch; & Raspberry Pi benefit auction!
Michael Paoli
- [sf-lug] how to install linux on laptop with no cd drive?
Akkana Peck
- [sf-lug] Meeting Reminder - SF-LUG LSG Linux Discussion at Noisebridge
Joseph Puig
- [sf-lug] Meeting Reminder - SF-LUG LSG Linux Discussion at Noisebridge
Joseph Puig
- [sf-lug] Meeting Reminder - SF-LUG LSG Linux Discussion at Noisebridge
Joseph Puig
- [sf-lug] Meeting Reminder - SF-LUG LSG Linux Discussion at Noisebridge
Joseph Puig
- [sf-lug] Meeting Reminder - SF-LUG LSG Linux Discussion at Noisebridge
Joseph Puig
- [sf-lug] Meeting Reminder - SF-LUG LSG Linux Discussion at Noisebridge
Joseph Puig
- [sf-lug] Meeting Reminder - SF-LUG LSG Linux Discussion at Noisebridge
Joseph Puig
- [sf-lug] Meeting Reminder - SF-LUG LSG Linux Discussion at Noisebridge
Joseph Puig
- [sf-lug] Meeting Reminder - SF-LUG LSG Linux Discussion at Noisebridge
Joseph Puig
- [sf-lug] Meeting Reminder - SF-LUG LSG Linux Discussion at Noisebridge
Joseph Puig
- [sf-lug] Meeting Reminder - SF-LUG LSG Linux Discussion at Noisebridge
Joseph Puig
- [sf-lug] Meeting Reminder - SF-LUG LSG Linux Discussion at Noisebridge
Joseph Puig
- [sf-lug] Meeting Reminder - SF-LUG LSG Linux Discussion at Noisebridge
Joseph Puig
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
- [sf-lug] Remedial civics: Charter schools are private schools
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
- [sf-lug] Remedial civics: Charter schools are private schools
- [sf-lug] Hello
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] SF-LUG meets July 16th ...
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] Putting Android on tablets and netbooks
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] SF-LUG meeting of July 16
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] Ubuntu goes for SecureBoot...
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] Mandriva's problems(as a business)
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] Problem with Kate
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] Problem with Kate
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] SF Lug meeting Sunday August 5, 2012
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] Microsoft´s messes...
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] SF-LUG meeting today August 5, 2012
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] higher resolution displays due in 2013
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] For John S. What is happening inside Microsoft...
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] For John S. What is happening inside Microsoft...
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] UEFI motherboard available SUSE UEFI plans
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] SF Lug meeting on Monday August 20
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] ddrescue on a scsi drive
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] what is kondemand and how to put it in a cage?
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] Uefi laptops
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] Linux Pro magazine had a defective Knoppix 7!
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] uefi, gpt
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] SF Lug meeting Sunday September 2, 2012
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] Java Exploit code found
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] Higher definition displays on the way... & SF LUG meeting
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] SF-LUG meets Next Monday September 17, 2012
Bobbie Sellers
- [sf-lug] Launching apps under Ubuntu Unity.
Ken Shaffer
- [sf-lug] how to run software automatically at start up; how to make a ram disk
Ken Shaffer
- [sf-lug] ddrescue on a scsi drive
Ken Shaffer
- [sf-lug] what is kondemand and how to put it in a cage?
Ken Shaffer
- [sf-lug] how to install linux on laptop with no cd drive?
Michael Shiloh
- [sf-lug] how to install linux on laptop with no cd drive?
Michael Shiloh
- [sf-lug] how to install linux on laptop with no cd drive?
Michael Shiloh
- [sf-lug] lost right-click menu but only in thunderbird
Michael Shiloh
- [sf-lug] Connectivity problem
Rick Smith
- [sf-lug] UEFI booting Grub2
James Sundquist
- [sf-lug] Uefi laptops
James Sundquist
- [sf-lug] uefi, gpt
James Sundquist
- [sf-lug] D-link router
James Sundquist
- [sf-lug] D-link router
James Sundquist
- [sf-lug] Hello
Andrew Udvare
- [sf-lug] Hello
Andrew Udvare
- [sf-lug] how to install linux on laptop with no cd drive?
Andrew Udvare
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Andrew Udvare
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Andrew Udvare
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Andrew Udvare
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Andrew Udvare
- [sf-lug] UEFI motherboard available SUSE UEFI plans
Andrew Udvare
- [sf-lug] UEFI motherboard available SUSE UEFI plans
Andrew Udvare
- [sf-lug] Linux mint - keyboard switchin hangul
Andrew Udvare
- [sf-lug] ddrescue on a scsi drive
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] ddrescue on a scsi drive
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] Software Freedom Day 2012
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] Software Freedom Day 2012
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] OLPC San Francisco Community Summit 2012
Sameer Verma
- [sf-lug] computer work at a public school this Saturday
Paul Ward
- [sf-lug] (no subject)
- [sf-lug] SF-LUG meeting today August 5, 2012 -- Android SDK
- [sf-lug] how to run software automatically at start up; how to make a ram disk
- [sf-lug] how to run software automatically at start up; how to make a ram disk
- [sf-lug] how to run software automatically at start up; how to make a ram disk
- [sf-lug] For John S. What is happening inside Microsoft...
- [sf-lug] Cabal this Saturday in Menlo Park -- late afternoon and evening
- [sf-lug] UEFI motherboard available SUSE UEFI plans
- [sf-lug] what is kondemand and how to put it in a cage?
- [sf-lug] Pizza, Networking and installing Linux at Creative Arts Charter School
- [sf-lug] resolver problem
- [sf-lug] resolver problem
- [sf-lug] Software Freedom Day 2012
- [sf-lug] (no subject)
crispi maria
- [sf-lug] Linux Users' Group of Davis, August 20: "Open Clip Art Library"
- [sf-lug] Linux Users' Group of Davis, September 17: "Raik distributed NoSQL database"
- [sf-lug] Linux Users' Group of Davis, October 15: "Home CNC Machining with Linux"
Last message date:
Tue Sep 25 10:59:15 PDT 2012
Archived on: Thu Dec 29 20:04:32 PST 2016
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).