[sf-lug] Remedial civics: Charter schools are private schools

Sean sean.channel at pacbell.net
Fri Jul 27 16:24:14 PDT 2012

I don't like being fed this signal-to-noise ratio, and watching you abuse and
nit-pick everyone's posts.  This is clearly Rick's Rants and not something I
need to belong to anymore.

My first post on the thread was intended to agree with both parties while
acknowledging the poster out of interest in participating and encouraging the
community.  I am abundantly regretful of this attempt.


On 07/27/2012 04:18 PM, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Sean (sean.channel at pacbell.net):
>> I don't care what Christian calls it.
> Your lack of concern about whether the local Linux community has been
> wilfully mislead into volunteering to help a private school (under the
> supposition of helping a public one), over the last several years, is noted. 
> Me, I just don't like being fed a line, like that.

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