Top: VALinux-kb
- Copyright
- Transfer of copyright over the VA Linux Systems Support
Knowledgebase from VA Software, Inc. to Rick Moen
2GB Filesize Limit - The old 2GB filesize limit on 32-bit
versions of Linux, and newer LFS support to fix it
- ACLs -
Support for POSIX ACLs and similar fine-grained permission
systems on Linux
Adding HD Breaks Boot - How to fix broken boot
configuration after adding a new hard drive
- Linux support for Microsoft's ASF video format
Backspace Keymap Fix - Fixing the keymappings for
Backspace, Delete, etc., once and for all
Backup Halts at /proc - Making sure your backup doesn't
break on the /proc filesystem, and why it breaks
BLAS Library - The BLAS matrix-manipulation library and
similar on Linux
Boot Hangs after VFS message - What to do if bootup hangs
just before it should be leaving single-user mode
BRU Config - Cure for most-common problems with the BRU
backup utility
Can't Re-enable Lilo - Can't re-enable lilo after
exchanging hard drives
CD-ROM Access Causes Reboots - What does it mean if my
system spontaneously reboots when I access the CD-ROM?
CD-ROM Not Valid Block Device - What does it mean when it
says '/dev/cdrom not a valid block device'?
Console Message Redirect - How do I redirect certain
console messsages to e-mail or a file?
Copying Directory Trees - How do I copy/move entire
directory trees, within a machine or between two of
- Cursor
Speedup - How to I make my cursor move more quickly?
- CVS on
NFS - Are there any ways to safely put CVSROOT on an NFS
Databases, Relational - Options on Linux for relational
Deleted Inode Has Zero dtime - What do I do if booting is
very slow, with lots of messages like 'deleted inode 6323 has
zero dtime. Set dtime? yes'?
- Dump
Options - What are the correct length, size, and blocking
factor sizes for dump on Linux?
eepro100 Full Duplex - How do I force full-duplex
operation with an Intel eepro100 NIC?
Ethernet Channel Bonding - How do I bond multiple
ethernet interfaces for greater throughput?
Ethernet Speed / Duplex - How do I determine whant speed
and/or duplex setting my ethernet card is operating at?
File Table Overflow - What does it mean if my system is
showing 'file table overflow' messages?
on Linux - How good is the FORTRAN support on Linux?
- Free
Disk Space - How do I find out how much free disk space I
Hardware RAID Partitioning - How do I partition a
hardware RAID volume?
- HD
Exact Copy - How do I make an exact copy of a hard
drive's contents?
IDE Tape Drive Support - Does Linux support IDE tape
Iomega Zip Plus - How do I get Linux to use my Iomega Zip
Plus drive?
Jaz Drive Mounting - How do I mount my Iomega Jaz
Kernel .config Lost - How do I recover my lost kernel
.config file?
Kernel .config Re-use - How do I build a new kernel using
an old .config file?
Kernel net-pf Errors - How do I fix boot-time errors
about modules net-pf-4 and net-pf-5?
- Kernel
Panic - What does it mean that I'm getting 'Unable to
handle kernel paging request', Kernel panic', and 'NMI
received' errors?
Kernel SCSI Support - How do I recompile my SCSI support
so that I don't get messages that 'the root system cannot be
- Linux
to Win95 - How do I get rid of Linux's boot process
entirely and boot Win9x?
Linux Trial Version - Where can I get a trial version of
- lpd
Zombie Processes - How do I fix lpd's continual spawning
of zombie processes?
MacOS 9 and Windows Services - How do I make Linux able
to furnish file/print support for pre-OSX Mac OS and
MS-Windows boxes?
- Modem
Diagnosis - How do I test and configure a modem in
- Modems
for Linux - What's a good modem to get for Linux?
- Modems,
PCI-Type - Problems with some PCI-format modems on
Monitor Has Distorted Lines - How do I fix XFree86
showing a bunch of distorted lines on the side of the
MS-Exchange on Linux - Is there client support on Linux
for Microsoft Exchange Server?
Narrow SCSI on Wide Chain - How do I add a narrow-SCSI
device such as a DAT tape drive to a wide-SCSI chain?
Netscape Palette Exhaustion - What do I do about running
out of colours in Netscape and similar programs?
Network Printer Configuration - How do I configure Red
Hat to print to a network printer?
NeXTStep UFS Support - Does Linux have support for
NeXTStep's UFS filesystem variant?
NFS Mount Failure - How do I diagnose and fix NFS mount
- NFS v3,
v4 - Is there support in Linux for NFS v. 3? For NFS v.
NT Access to Linux Filesystems - Are there any ways for
MS-Windows NT to have access to native-Linux
- NT
Boot Problems - I've upgraded Red Hat, and now NT won't
boot. What do I do?
- Numlock
- How do I boot with NumLock enabled?
Ping Long Timeouts - What does it mean if I get absurdly
long ping times, e.g., several minutes?
PPP Debugging after Login - PPP connects and logs into my
ISP, but then there's no Internet connectivity. How do I fix
Debugging - How do I diagnose and fix PPP failing with a
'connection terminated' message?
Process Limits per User - How can I limit the number of
processes for a user?
Queue Overflow Errors - How do I fix queue overflow and
'QUEUE FULL' messages during operation?
Testing - How do I test for bad RAM on Linux?
Reclaim FAT Partition - How do I reallocate to Linux my
no-longer-needed Win9x FAT partition?
- Reinstall
lilo - How do I reinstall lilo after re-installing
Remove Linux Partitions - How do I remove Linux
partitions to make way for some other OS?
Removing External SCSI Device Crashes - Why does Linux
crash when I remove an external SCSI tape or Jaz disk?
Resizing Linux Partitions - Are there any tools for
non-destructively resizing Linux partitions?
RH Upgrade Killed Printing - Upgrading Red Hat caused
printing to my local printer to no longer work
Root Password Lost - How do I recover a lost root
- rsync
ssh Hang - My rsync processes seem to hang when
transferring large data sets over ssh. How do I fix
SCSI Queue Full Errors - Should I be concerned about
'QUEUE FULL!' lines in /var/log/messages?
SCSI Sense Key Errors - I'm getting repeated 'sense key
Hardware Error' messages. Is this of concern?
SCSI Tape Drive Termination - Do I need to terminate a
SCSI tape drive I add to an internal SCSI chain?
SCSI Timeout Errors - Should I be worried that I'm
getting timeout errors from the SCSI card when doing a tape
- Security
Breach - What should I do if I detect that my systems
have been security-compromised?
Startup Hang on Network Service - How can I fix startup
hangs while trying to launch Samba, sendmail, or other
network service?
SIOCSIFFLAGS Error - I'm getting I get the error message
'SIOCSIFFLAGS: Try again' at boot time, and ethernet
networking doesn't work. How do I fix that?
Testing - How do you verify that Linux is using both
Sound Modules Configuration - How do I edit the
/etc/conf.modules file to configure sound?
Startup Beep Errors - System beeps sequentially and won't
stop, and won't complete bootup. How do I recover?
startx Fails with White Dots - Why does 'startx' produce
only white dots across the bottom of the screen?
Swapper Task Not Syncing - What does it mean that I see
the message 'In swapper task - not syncing' followed by
SysRq Keys Support - How do I enable the kernel's Magic
SysRq keys?
- top
for SMP - Where do I get a version of top that reports
for both CPUs?
VFAT Filesystem Ownership - How do I make a filesystem
shared with MS-Windows be writeable by users other than just
the root user?
Video Cards for Linux - What's a good video card to use
with Linux?
XFree86 Debugging - How do I isolate and fix problems
with XFree86 setup?
XFree86 sigpipe / sighup Errors - What does it mean when
XFree86 startup fails with sigpipe and sighup errors?
XFree86 v.3 Configuration - How can I create an optimal
XFree86 v. 3.x configuration for my video card?
- Y2K -
Where can I get a Y2K compliance statement for Linux? I'm a
government contractor.

Except where otherwise noted, this knowledgebase's contents are
freely redistributable under the CC
BY-SA 4.0 licence, or, at your option, any later version.