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"I of course have zero evidence for this, but since when has that stopped any of us?" -- David Wren-Hardin
"Just the FAQs, ma'am." -- Sgt. Joe Al'Friday
This version of the WOTFAQ was initially published in January 2004.
The Wheel of Time FAQ (WOTFAQ) contains writing by many authors. The individual authors hold copyright to their respective contributions, as cited in the text. The Wheel of Time books, and all quotations therefrom, are Copyright 1990-2003 by Robert Jordan. The Wheel of Time chapter icons are by Matthew C. Nielsen, and are Copyright 1990-2000 by Tor Books, used with their gracious permission. Unattributed material in the WOTFAQ is Copyright 2004 by Leigh Butler, Pamela Korda and Erica Sadun. This version of the WOTFAQ is Copyright 2004 by Leigh Butler, Pamela Korda and Erica Sadun.
What does all that mean? You may not distribute the WOTFAQ in any form, in whole or in part, without written permission from Leigh Butler. You certainly may not claim any part of the WOTFAQ as your own work, unless, of course, you wrote that part. You may print out a copy of the WOTFAQ for your own personal use. You may keep a copy of the WOTFAQ on your own computer for your personal use, provided that you don't distribute it. For example, you may not make the WOTFAQ available on your web page without permission. You may quote short portions of it as reference material, provided that you provide proper citation and credit.
For more information about copyright law, see:
This is the Wheel of Time Wondrous Masterpiece of Assembled Knowledge, Theories, and Discussion (a.k.a. The Frequently Asked Questions compendium). 'Tis edited and maintained by me, Leigh Butler. The FAQ is based on discussion of The Wheel of Time series on the Usenet group rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan, as well as some personal correspondence, and a few other sources on the Web. This version of the WOTFAQ contains lots of SPOILERS for all books of the Wheel of Time, up to and including Book 10, Crossroads of Twilight. If you haven't read, don't read. There are versions of the WOTFAQ from before COT (i.e. no spoilers, but some out-dated theories), which you can find links to in the Wheel of Time Index (see section 0.08).
This version of the WOTFAQ (v7.0) has been updated to include information and theories from Crossroads of Twilight. The Keywords and Sitemap indices have been deleted.
Standard Reference Format: [Book Abbreviation: Chapter Number, Chapter Name, Tor HC page number]
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Keeper of the Chronicles (FAQ Maintainer and HTML implementation): Leigh Butler (leighdb@pacbell.net).
Defender of the Dragonwall (Site Maintainer) and FAQueen Emeritus: Pam Korda (pam@linuxmafia.com).
Master of the Blades (Original Site Design): Matthew Hunter.
Mother of the FAQ (Originator of the WOTFAQ): Erica Sadun.
Advertisement-free Web space courtesy of: Rick Möen (original site); Alistair Young (UK mirrors); Maggie Brazeau and David Scotton (US mirror); and Kate Nepveu (2nd US mirror).
Beta-testers/Proofreaders: A ton of thanks go to Steven Cooper, who went above and beyond the call of duty with an exhaustive proofread of the entire FAQ. You rock, Steven... A plethora of kudos also go to my crack team of nitpickers and broken-link-finders - Evan "Skwid" Langlinais, Duncan Macdonald, Pat O'Connell, and Jennifer Winters. Also thanks to Kjell Stahl, my johnny-on-the-spot with the page refs, and to Maggie Brazeau for her help in the final stages of production.
FAQing awesome people: Richard Boyé, for taking on the hellish job of updating the Sitter section for me; Jeff Dougan, for helping me put together the oh-so-fun bonding section; Kevin Bartlett and Karl-Johan Norén, whose web pages Pam plundered mercilessly for good analyses of Asmodean's murder; Steven Cooper (again!), for his comprehensive and endlessly useful Chronology; Daniel Posey, for his Ideal Seek engine (or as I like to call it, Sanity Flotation Device); Bill Garrett and Hawk, for allowing me to make free with their hardbound property; and Pam Korda, for her continuing and fabulous assistance in maintaining the FAQ.
Jose Abrigo * Megan Aguiar * Nevin Aiken * Dylan Flynn "Easing the Badger" Alexander * Zareh Amirian * Chris Anderson * Joe Armao * Michael Arnett * Hugh Arai * Sandy Armstrong * Keith Aschinger * R. Nathanial Azinger * Will Baird * Maia Bakroeva * Glen Justin Balmer * Charles J. Barbec * Chris Barrera * Kevin Bartlett * Tony Bartling * Daniel Bartlett * Scott Bateman * Rob Bauer * Brian Bax * Lara Beaton * Guillaume Bergeron * Aaron Bergman * Alice Bergmann * Jonathan Berlinghoff * Alex Bertran * Tim Biddulph * John Walter Biles * Young Blandford * Aaron Bourque * Jamie Bowden * Philip Bowles * Richard Boyé * Chris Bradley * Maggie Brazeau * Mark Brimicombe * Bill E. Brooks * Jean-Luc Brouillet * Michael Brown * Timothy S. "Timmy" Bruening * J.P. Bryan * Charles Buckley * Jason Burrone * Stewart S. Bushman * Elizabeth Butler * Leigh Butler * Arthur Bernard Byrne * Shawn Cady * Adam Canning * William Carew * Paul W. Cashman * Keith Casner * Christopher Lee Cavender * Kenneth Cavness * Randy Cerveny * David Chapman * Javier Chiossi * Alistair Chiu * Dennis Hohn-Chong Cho * Dustin Clayton * Sarah Coit * Damien Cole * Douglas Cole * Rachel Collier * Ciaran Conliffe * Mary Conner * Steve Cook * Steven Cooper * Elizabeth Cornwell * Aaron Cote * Patrick Cotrona * Dave Crisp * Jennifer Cross * Simon Cullen * Brian Cuocci * Josip Cvetkovic * Mike Dady * Robert Dahm * Ruchira Datta * Amish Dave * Kyle Davis * Yancy Davis * Steve Deffeyes * Dave "Walls of Books" DeLaney * Tobias Denig * Jason Denzel * C. Matt Detzel * Chris Dewey * Trevor Dewey * Jeremey Dobbins * Jeff Dougan * Matthew Doyle * Jean Dufresne * Scott Dwiggins * Roderick Easton * Eric Ebinger * Bryan Ecker * Mike "Kutulu" Edenfield * Richard Edwards * Oren Eini * Ben Elgin * Alan Ellingson * Maccabeus Epimanes * Mark Erikson * Tony Evans * Jain Farstrider * J. R. Feehan * Colin Fishy * Chris Flora * Courtenay Footman * David Forbes * Jim "Robin Jim" Ford * Michel Forget * Matthew Forrester * Susan Frager * Will Frank * Dennis M. Freeman * M.C. Friddle * Jeff Fullmer * Eric Fulton * Carolyn Fusinato * A. M. Gabutero * Christian M. Gadeken * Konrad Gaertner * Devin L. Ganger * Bruce Garner * Bill Garrett * Stefan Gelow * Helmut Geyer * Judy "Very Small Animal" Ghirardelli * Bob Gibson * Drew Gillmore * Joel Gilmore * Steve Ginter * Alfred Glass * Jocelyn "who is not Kathleen" Goldfein * Michael Gonzalez * Ben Goodman * Stephen Graham * Aaron Gray * Amy Gray * Gary Greenbaum * Michael Guenther * Johan Gustafsson * Matthew Hackell * Michelle Haines * Basil Halhed * John "JSH" Hamby * Chris Hammock * Jeff Han * Michael Hanneman * John C. Hansen * Kay-Arne Hansen * Stephen J. Hardy * Don Harlow * Hawk * John Hawkinson * Mark Hazen * Walter Hedges * Nathan Hendrix * Clint Hepner * Matthew Heslin * Keith Higginson * Josh Hildreth * Steven Hillage * Captain Commander Sean Hillyard * John Hills * Tony Ho * Bob Hofmann * Dave Holman * Drew Holton * Melissa Horn * Thomas Howard * Justin Howell * Mike Hoye * Ho-Sheng Hsiao * James Huckaby * Eugene Hung * Matthew Hunter * Shawn Hurley * Adrienne Huston * John Ireland * Timothy Itnyre * Jasper Janssen * James Jen * John Johnson * Robert Jordan (duh.) * Christopher Kane * Robert Kelley * Mike Kelly * Daniel John Kelly-Harrity * David "Wee Dave" Kennedy * Iain Kerr * Jacob Kesinger * Paul Khangure * Marina Kishkovich * Bob Kluttz * Koby Kobia * Tanya Koenig * Pamela Korda * Jason Kraftcheck * Paul Krasicky * Lars Kremers * Bill Kte'pi * Tyler Langenkamp * Evan "Skwid" Langlinais * Michael Lauzon * Mike Lawson * Hank Lee * Andrea Leistra * Mike Lemons * Eric Lesch * Craig Martin Levin * Shen Kiat Lim * Bo Lindbergh * Paul Lints * Edward Liu * Mark Looi * Mark "Robe Thrown Recklessly Open" Loy * Mike "Sir MPS" Macchione * Duncan Macdonald * Shayne Macfarlane * Benjamin Magno * Ted Maire * Cameron Majidi * Luke Mankin * Jim Mann * Jim Mansfield * Guyang "Alex" Mao * Michael Martin * Alisa Marshall* Stephanie Mason * Kyle Matthews * Fairfax McCandlish * Bill McCarthy * Michael McCarthy * Tom McCormick * Sean T. McCulloch * Sam McGee * Jamie McKinney * Edward Measure * Robert Mee * Roxanne Meida * Karan Mehra * Kelley Miles * Shane Miller * Tim Mixdorf * Scott Mocklin * Craig Moe * Kurt Montadon * Kevin P. Mooney * Don Morgan * Joe Morris * James Morrison * David Mortman * Rajiv Mote * Michael Mueller * Jennifer Myak * Roy Navarre * Kate Nepveu * Christian Neubauer * Michael Nielsen * Patrick Nielsen Hayden * Sean C. Nolan * Karl-Johan Norén * John S. Novak III, The Humblest Man on the Net * Emmet O'Brien * Pat O'Connell * Sean O'Hara * Michael J. O'Malley * Chad "Oilcan" Orzel * Daniel "Zippy" O'Toole * Erin O'Toole * Alex Outhred * Oleg Ozerov * Anthony Padilla * Alex Paradi * Marcel Parent * Laura M. Parkinson * Rimesh Patel * Simon Patterson * Emma Pease * Mark Perry * Rhonda Peters * Thomas Petersen * Teri Pettit * George D. Phillies * Jim Phillips * John Pickett * Sonja Pieper * Piglet * Eric C. Piquette * Richard Pistole * Greg Pobst * Owen Pope * Johan Poppe * Daniel Posey * Heikki Poso * Kathy Putnam * Jamie Quinn * Jeffrey Scott Raglin * Bret C. Rediker * Sebastian Redl * Peter Reid * Brian Ritchie * Janet Rolsma * Daniel Rose * Joseph Rosenfeld * Dave Rothgery * John Rowat * Chris Russo * Burr Rutledge * Johannes Rydh * Erica Sadun * Kevin Samborn * Jared Samet * Marc Sanders * Eric Saunders * Ulrich Schade * Feisal Schlee * Michael Schmidt * Jeff Schneiter * Morgan Donald Scott * Nathan Scott * John Seehafer * Rafael R. Sevilla * Viren Shah * Jim Shaw * Joe "Uno" Shaw * Vivienne Shen * Zach Simpson * Jimmy Sjöberg * Joseph Slonimsky * Peter Smalley * Will Smit * Jeff Smith * Sheryl Smith * William Smith * Daniel "Ford" Sohl * Scott Spiegelberg * Kjell Stahl * Vic Stallion * Doug Stanley * S. Stark * Michael "Darkelf" Steeves * William Stewart * Brian Sullivan * John Stopford * Charles L. Stuart * Jeff Taylor * Martin Terman * Julius T. Thiele * Aline Thompson * Elayne Thompson * Ilya Tillekens * J. Tinney * Drew Tipson * Billy Todd * Leo Tokarski * Preston Toliver * Carl Traber * David Ulaeto * Fred Van Keuls * Jonathan Vaught * Sven Venema * Jonathan Vessey * Ville Virrankoski * Binh Vo * David Vogt * Goetz Von Berlichingen * Paul Ward * Ken Warkentyne * Bryon Wasserman * Warren Way * Olaf Weber * Luke Weigel * Michael Werle * Dash Wendrzyk * Amnon Wenger * Myranya Werlemann * Katrina Werpetinski * Kelly West * Greg Wheatley * Jon Wheeler * William Whitesman * Jay Wiggins * Therese Wikström * Brian Williams * G. Williams * Windsor Williams * Chris Wilson * Jennifer Winters * Aaron Wong * Edmund Wong * Bill Woolsey * David Wren-Hardin * Gabriel Wright * Jonathan "Nelno the Amoeba" Wright * Donal Wyckoff * Tony Yoder * Tim Yoon * Tom York * Jeremy Yoskowitz * Alistair Young * Matthew Young * Jeffrey Yu * Sydo Zandstra * Marc Zappala * Tony Zbaraschuk * Matthew Zimmer
Note on changes since the last version:
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Illustrations © 1989-2000 by Tor Books.
The Wheel of Time FAQ. Copyright 2004 by Leigh Butler, Pamela Korda and Erica Sadun. HTML implementation by Leigh Butler. This site maintained by Pam Korda (pam@linuxmafia.com). Comments and questions regarding the content itself should be directed to Leigh Butler (leighdb@pacbell.net).