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Special Districts, Appointive
Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) is an advisory-only regional planning agency to coordinate land use, housing, environmental quality, and economic development for the nine Bay Area counties and 101 Bay Area cities, which along with interested non-profit organisations, are voluntary members.
Metropolitan Transportation Commission coordinates and regulates transportation services in the nine Bay Area counties. It has 21 members on its Board of Commissioners. Two commissioners arrive from each of the five most populous counties, one appointed by the county's Board of Supervisors, the other appointed by the mayors of the cities within that county. One each is appointed by the mayors of Oakland and San Jose. Four are appointed by the remaining four counties, by their Boards of Supervisors in consutation with each county's city. Two are appointed by the two regional agencies ABAG and Bay Conservation and Development Commission. Three (non-voting) commisioners are appointed by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), US Department of Transportation, and California Department of Transportation. Each serves a four-year term.
Bay Area Air District (formerly Bay Area Air Quality Management District) is empowered by the Legislature to regulate non-mobile sources of air pollution in our county. Its Board of Directors consists of elected officials from each of the nine Bay Area counties. Each serves a four-year term.
Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board is the government special agency that owns/operates Caltrain since shortly after Southern Pacific's 1991 handover of its discontinued passenger service on the Peninsula.
The PCJPB consists of three representatives from each of the three counties served by Caltrain.
- SF County: 1 appointed by SF's mayor, 1 by S.F. Municipal Transportation Agency ("Muni"), 1 by the Board of Supervisors.
- SM County: 1 appointed by the City Selection Committee, 1 by SamTrans, 1 by the Board of Supervisors.
- SC County: 1 appointed by that county's Board of Supervisors' MTC representative, two by VTA (both of whom may not be from San Jose).
In practice, PCJPB doesn't itself operate Caltrain, but rather outsources under contract, at first to Amtrak, and later/recently to TransitAmerica Services, Inc. (TASI), of St. Joseph, Missouri, a subsidiary of Herzog Transit Services, Inc.
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission is a state agency empowered to regulate use of San Francisco Bay, its shoreline, and Suisun Marsh, to protect and enhance the Bay for this and future generations. Commisioners are appointed by a variety of Federal, state, regional, and county government entities. Each serves a four-year term.
San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority is a regional government agency to manage flood protection, ecosystem habitats, and recreation in the watershed and floodplain of San Francisquito Creek. It was formed in 1998 after record flood by the cities of Palo Alto, Menlo Park, and East Palo Alto, the County of San Mateo, and the Santa Clara Valley Water District, and funded by annual member agency contributions.
The Board chooses its own membership from elected officials of its five member agencies. Board members serve two-year terms. The Authority employs an executive director and three professional staff, who are substantially assisted by consultants and by staff of its founding agencies. SFCJPA's Board meets monthly in Palo Alto's, Menlo Park's, or East Palo Alto's city council chambers.
San Mateo County Flood Control District is a county-wide county-governed special district created by state legislation, funded by parcel taxes in flood-affected areas.
Menlo Park Highway Lighting District is a county-governed special district created Oct. 3, 1910 and funded by parcel taxes, to provide street lighting in unincorporated North Fair Oaks, Menlo Oaks, and West Menlo.
South Bayside Waste Management Authority, aka RethinkWaste, is a joint-powers authority among twelve local governments including San Mateo County and West Bay Sanitary District, formed in 1982 to supervise solid waste collection and disposal in most of San Mateo County. It is governed by a 12-member Board of Directors annually appointed one each by the member local governments, who then appoint an Executive Director for daily operations. It owns the Shoreway Environmental Center in San Carlos, and, at any given time, has a commercial firm (currently Recology San Mateo County) collect waste under contract, and a commercial firm (currently South Bay Recycling) operate Shoreway Environmental Center. Funding is from investment income, tipping fees charges at the Shoreway Environmental Center and the sale of recyclable commodities. Board meetings are held 4th Thursdays at 2pm in San Carlos Library's Conference Room. The authority's offices are also on the second floor of that library, at 610 Elm Street, San Carlos.
San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District is an independent special district to control mosquitoes and other disease-transmitting animals in most of Bay-side San Mateo County. It is governed by a 21-member board of trustees, one from each city and one representative for the county at large, elected to two or four-year term. Trustees meet 2nd Wednesdays except in Aug. and Dec., 6pm at the District Office, 1351 Rollins Road, Burlingame. Its Board of Trustees is appointed by the constituent city councils, plus one at-large member representing the county (21 trustees, 2-4 years).
Atherton Channel Drainage District is a city-governed special district run by the Town of Atherton, charged since 1958 with managing stormwater collection in a drainage basin bounded by Atherton Ave., West Menlo, parts of unincorporated Stanford lands, etc.
University Heights Drainage Maintenance District is a county-governed special district charged since August 13, 1968 with maintaining drainage facilities in unincorporated University Heights.
San Mateo County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo), is an independent commission with state-delegated legal authority, starting 1963, to regulate the formation, dissolution, consolidations, boundaries, and other organisational changes of cities and special districts. The Commission also determines city and district spheres of influence and performs periodic studies of existing government agencies. There are seven commissioners. Two are County Supervisors appointed by the County Board of Supervisors. Two are city council members, appointed by the Council of Mayors. Two are members of independent special districts (appointed by the presiding officers of independent special districts); a public member (appointed by the county, city, and special district members); and four alternate members (county, city, special district, and public). LAFCo is funded by applications fees and by the County, cities, and independent special districts. LAFCo's regular meetings are 3rd Wednesdays of odd-numbered months, 2:30pm at the County Board of Supervisors' Chambers, 400 County Center, Redwood City.
The Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) is a multiple-government-agency body to operate the "Transbay Program", the transportation and housing project in South of Market, San Francisco to build a new neighbourhood and transit hub, replacing the former Transbay Terminal at First and Mission and interconnecting about a dozen transit systems, there.
TJPA's Board of Directors comprises appointed representatives from:
- City and County of San Francisco
- AC Transit
- Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (Caltrain)
- California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA)
- California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Updated: Mon Dec 18 12:01:07 PST 2023 Copyright © 2018-2023 Rick Moen. Contents are freely redistributable under the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence, or, at your option, any later version.