Household Information for 1105 Altschul Avenue


Elected-office political districts

(a/o redistricting resulting from 2010 census)

We are in San Mateo County voting precinct #3402. Unless otherwise noted, elected officials take office the Monday following New Year's Day after their elections.

We are not inside the Menlo Park city limits, but many of our neighbours are. (1105 Altschul Avenue is on a strip of unincorporated county land called variously West Menlo Park or "University Heights".)

Starting in year 2020, California has moved its primary election from June to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March.

Federal Legislative

Federal Executive

State Legislative

State Executive

State Judicial

California Supreme Court
(The Chief Justice and six Associate Justices are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Commission on Judicial Appointments, consisting of the Chief Justice of California, the California AG, and a senior presiding justice of the California Courts of Appeals. The nominee takes office immediately, but must stand for retention during the next gubernatorial election, where the voters decide whether to retain the justice for the remainder of the current 12-year judicial term. Sitting justices must again undergo a statewide retention election for each subsequent full 12-year term. If the voters say 'no', the seat becomes vacant and may be filled by the Governor. Nonpartisan, 12-year terms.)

California State Courts of Appeal
(Six appellate districts, each with at least one division (19 divisions, total; only the local 1st district's divisions are shown below). Each division has one Presiding Justice and two or more Associate Justices, appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Commission on Judicial Appointments, then confirmed by the public at the next general election, and then by the public again if they run again. Nonpartisan, 12-year terms, except that, if part of the term was served before the position became vacant, the justice serves the uncompleted part, either 4 or 8 year.)

We vote only for the five divisions of District 1, which comprises all of Alameda, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Solano, and Sonoma counties.)

District 1, Division 1:

District 1, Division 2:

District 1, Division 3:

District 1, Division 4:

District 1, Division 5:

State Boards and Commissions

State Board of Equalization

(limit = 2 four-year terms)
Charged with reviewing property tax assessments, insurer tax assessment, alcohol excise taxes, and pipeline taxes.
(Voters select within & for their districts, only; four-year terms.)

Meets: Dates and locations as scheduled, about once or twice a month.

In June 2017, in response to repeated scandals, the Legislature stripped most powers and duties from the BoE, previously administration of all state-wide tax programs, including corporation and income taxes as an appellate body, leaving only its original scope per California's Constitution. 90% of BoE staff were transferred to other agencies, including a new Office of Tax Appeals and a new Department of Tax and Fee Administration, both appointive.

County Officials

San Mateo County Board of Supervisors:
The Board is the county's highest executive and legislative body, which itself is a citizen-chartered corporate body established under state law. Executive power, however, is delegated to the county manager the Board appoints
(five members, elected and resident in their respective districts, staggered terms, limit = 3 four-year terms):

Meets: Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m., Board's Chamber. 400 County Center (between Middlefield Rd. and Hamilton St.), Hall of Justice, Redwood City.

Other San Mateo County Elected Executives (nonpartisan, limit = 3 four-year terms)

San Mateo County Judicial District (co-extensive with S.M. County)
(Nonpartisan, six-year terms. Candidates very often take office without election, i.e., their scheduled elections get cancelled, because their candidacies were unopposed.)

Superior Court Judges with next election Mar. 3, 2020:

Superior Court Judges with next election Mar. 2022