[sf-lug] SVLUG Nov. 1st meeting: Rob Walker on MythTV and Kodi Lecture and Demo (Rick Moen)

Rob Walker rob at ladle.net
Wed Nov 1 14:28:12 PDT 2017

I wish I had slides, for that would mean that I am more organized that
I currently am.  I have a total of 14 images for the beginning of the
talk, which shows some things which I thought I should cache locally.

If we were to record this and put it online, I would ask for about 15
minutes heads up so I can tighten things up on the demonstration side.

I do not have any equipment that can do this, I have recorded one
video for YouTube in the past, but I don't remember how I did it.  If
we find someone to mount a phone somewhere, that might be all that we


On Wed, 01 Nov 2017 10:26:38 -0700,
Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting acohen36 (acohen36 at SDF.ORG):
> > For the admittedly-few folks in the East Bay (or in SF) who are
> > unable to travel to San Jose's Cavium cafeteria for this "really
> > good one", will this interesting main presentation be live-streamed
> > or at least slideshowed (e.g., by LO-Impress) similar to past
> > presentations at http://www.svlug.org/ ?? (I'm assuming that the
> > answer is Yes....)
> Speaker Rob Walker (cc'd) is not on this mailing list, but perhaps can
> speak to the matter.  If Rob has slides or lecture notes that he wishes
> to make public, SVLUG will of course be delighted to do so for him.
> I know of no provisions for live-streaming.
> BTW, I'm offering carpooling at my Menlo Park house at 6:00-6:15pm.
> 1105 Altschul Ave @ Gordon Ave, Menlo Park, map and directions at 
> http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/ .

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