[sf-lug] distro for an ageing laptop

Robert Johnson emailbox6357 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 15:43:38 PDT 2017

Is PC-BSD or TrueOS an option?

On Mar 25, 2017 1:35 PM, "Akkana Peck" <akkana at shallowsky.com> wrote:

> Rick Moen writes:
> > LXDE as people know it is going away, however.
> >
> > The developers found that the gtk3 graphics toolkit has excessive
> > disadvantages going forward, and therefore made the decision to bail and
> Any idea what the disadvantages are?
> I know I'm re-examining GUI toolkits for Python lately, worrying
> about compatibility issues what with the pygtk bindings going away
> in Python3 in favor of using GTK3 and gobject introspection bindings.
> Can't say I'm thrilled with any of the options. But if there are
> other disadvantages of GTK3, that would be a factor. Googling
> lxde gtk3 or lxde gtk3 disadvantages isn't finding anything that
> looks relevant, mostly just people asking about themes.
> The lxde Wikipedia page points to
> https://blog.lxde.org/2013/03/26/pcmanfm-qt-0-1-0-released/
> but all that really says is that GTK3 is no longer lighter weight
> than Qt -- interesting if true, but it doesn't quote any numbers.
>         ...Akkana
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