[conspire] CABAL day(s)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Oct 25 21:22:35 PDT 2020

Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu):

> Ah, ... helps when I read the documentation ... sometimes
> even including my own.  8-O

Hey, I've lived that.  Frequently.

> So, CABAL, ... first virtual was 2020-09-12,
> and yesterday 2020-10-24 was most recent (and 2nd) virtual.
> http://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=balug:covid-19#virtual_meetings
> http://linuxmafia.com/pipermail/conspire/2020-September/011111.html
> http://linuxmafia.com/pipermail/conspire/2020-October/011218.html

Thanks, yes.  Yesterday's was intended as a 'make-up day' for having
blown my intention to hold one two weeks earlier on Saturday, Oct. 10
(the regular 2nd Saturday CABAL date).

I'll try to be consistent about 2nd Saturday (virtual) CABAL meetings, 
starting with Saturday, Nov. 14th.

We're still working on how to deliver homemade pizza and garlic bread

I'd be really, really surprised (and delighted) if it becomes advisable
to hold in-person meetings earlier than, maybe, the second half of 2021.
So, virtual is the best we have, for the duration, and we need to make
the best of it.

Newest entry in the ever-growing 'Go home, 2020, you're drunk' file:

Recent memo from Deirdre:  "I'll bet you didn't have prehistoric worms
waking up to move and eat on your 2020 bingo card!"
(Some critics suspect the permafrost sample might have been
contaminated, though.)

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