Top: Legacy_Microsoft
Altair BASIC - Story of the 1976 Altair BASIC flap,
related by former Homebrew Computer Club member Rick
- Archivers
- File archiver/compression programs for MS-Windows
Burning ISOs - Rundown of many MS-Windows programs for
burning optical discs from ISO9660i (ISO) image files
- CD
Burning - Detailed tutorial for MS-Windows users about
how to burn ISO9660 (ISO) files to CDR media, e.g., to
install/run Linux distributions
SSH - Instructions on using CVS with SSH encryption on
Windows, using SourceForge code checkouts as a example
Downloadable DOS - How to download (if necessary) and
convert to bootable CD-ROM format a DOS image, e.g., to run
hardware-oriented utilities
Drive Letter Order - Explanation of how Microsoft OSes
assign drive letters
IIS and OpenSSL Certs - Making Windows2000's IIS
Certificate Manager import OpenSSL certificates
Recorder - Small Microsoft-recommended tool for
MS-Windows XP, 2003, and Vista to burn ISO9660 (ISO) files to
CDRs, e.g., of Linux distributions
MacOS 9 and Windows Services - How do I make Linux able
to furnish file/print support for pre-OSX Mac OS and
MS-Windows boxes?
- MAPI library - Brutus
is a complete, GPLed CORBA wrapping of the entire MAPI
library, making it possible for any open source groupware
client to connect to MS Exchange on an equal footing with MS
MBR Rewriting - How to restore the Microsoft MBR (e.g.,
if removing Linux from dual-boot) in DOS/Win9x/WinME, in
WinXP, and in Win2k
Messaging Flaw - Watershed paper revealing that the
fundamental nature of Win32's messaging model makes it
inherently vulnerable to privilege-escalation attacks, a flaw
that cannot be fixed without breaking essentially all
existing applications
Deficiencies - Ways in which Microsoft Internet Explorer
is deficient. Please feel free to send people who think MSIE
is a good browser to this page
MS-Outlook Quoting - Add-on tools to fix quoting in
MS-Outlook and MS-Outlook Express, so they no longer violate
netiquette standards
- All known NFS software for Win32
NT Access to Linux Filesystems - Are there any ways for
MS-Windows NT to have access to native-Linux
- NT
Boot Problems - I've upgraded Red Hat, and now NT won't
boot. What do I do?
- Offline NT
Password Disk - Petter Nordahl-Hagen's 'ntpasswd' or
Offline NT Password and Registry Editor, a Linux boot floppy
able to null out the Administrator password in an NT/win2k/XP
system's SAM security database on its NTFS filesystem volume.
Can also unlock locked or disabled user logins, and generally
edit the system registry
Open Letter to Hobbyists - Infamous 1976 letter from
William Henry Gates III to Altair users
- Ping
of Death - How the Ping of Death worked against
perennially vulnerable Microsoft OSes, circa 1997
- Security problems of PPTP, especially as implemented by
Microsoft Corporation
- Procmail
Sanitizer - Procmail ruleset to 'defang' arriving e-mail
of macro viruses, Web bugs, Javascript, sundry exploit code,
etc. to protect vulnerable MS-Outlook users
Security Compromises - The Microsoft security bulletin
you'd love to see (humour)
Service Packs - Reasons to shun MS-Windows service packs
later than Windows 2000 SP2, and to shun MS-Windows XP, even
if you're a Microsoft fan
Startup Items - Information on a utility to review/adjust
all MS-Windows startup tasks
- Unix
v. NT - John Kirch 1998 study comparing WinNT Server 4.0
with Unix
- Unix
Shell - How to implement Unix shells in MS-Windows
VNC and Similar - List of non-X11 graphical remote access
protocols and packages, including implementations of VNC
- Win95
Analysis - Editorial and technical analysis at the time
of Win95's introduction (Rick Moen's 1995 magazine
Windows Bestiary - How to tell what version your (non-NT)
copy of MS-Windows really is
Windows Rescue Disk - Suggested system-rescue boot images
for MS-Windows systems; article by Karsten Self: Reset lost
Administrator password, remove viruses, fix filesystems, test
disks/RAM, backup/restore data, etc.
- WINE Tips -
Frank's Corner, a set of tips on configuring common
MS-Windows apps and games on WINE under Linux
X Servers for Win32 - List of all known X Window System
server software for MS-Windows

Except where otherwise noted, this knowledgebase's contents are
freely redistributable under the CC
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