[sf-lug] SF-LUG meeting on Sunday September 5th. 2021? + a little news...

Bobbie Sellers bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com
Wed Sep 1 19:48:30 PDT 2021

And I have several off list replies so I Jit.se meeting on Sunday.


On 8/31/21 16:44, Bobbie Sellers wrote:
> Hi LUGers,
>     Someone proposed shortly after the last meeting that since the next
> meeting was scheduled for Labor Day weekend we not have it.
>     Since then Covid -19 Delta variant has surged.
>     If we have a meeting in September I suggest it be at
> <https://meet.jit.si/sf-lug.org>
>     If no one wants to bother that is fine with me but
> most certainly I will not be making it to the Cafe Enchante
> on Labor Day Weekend.
>     In further information last week Linux was 30 years old.
> I have a copy of the original message Linus posted on Usenet,
> anyone wants to see it let me know.  Linux was a good coder
> but poor prophet.
>     Linux Lite version 5.6 is out.  This may be the best of the
> Ubuntu based distributions and is like Xbuntu with a power
> up.  It is on Distrowatch and at least this afternoon the
> torrent is not working but regular download does fine.
>     Kernel 5.14.x has been released among other changes
> and improvements it has a new AMDGPU driver and changes
> to the code to permit easier use of the latest AMD cpus.
>     If no one replies I may not be at the jit.si meets on
> Sunday the Fifth of September from 11 AM to  1 PM.
>     Bobbie Sellers - out and back to RL struggle.
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