[sf-lug] REMINDER: BALUG MEETING TOMORROW!: Re: BALUG: meeting: Tu 2019-09-17 & other BALUG News

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Mon Sep 16 20:34:53 PDT 2019

> From: "Michael Paoli" <Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu>
> To: "San Francisco Linux Users' Group (SF-LUG)" <sf-lug at linuxmafia.com>
> Subject: BALUG: meeting: Tu 2019-09-17 & other BALUG News
> Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2019 12:58:42 -0700

> BALUG: meeting: Tu 2019-09-17 & other BALUG News
> ------------------------------
> items, details further below:
> BALUG: meeting: Tu 2019-09-17
> giveaways (& wanted), hardware, CDs/DVDs, books/publications, ...
> help BALUG! :-) - volunteering, venue, ...
> Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/BALUG_org
> ------------------------------
> For our 2019-09-17 (3rd Tuesday) BALUG meeting:
> We don't have a specific speaker/presentation lined up for this meeting,
> however ...
> Bring topics/questions you'd like to discuss - many interesting
> discussions/meetings happen that way.
> We may well also discuss some topical item(s) at least some of us have
> been working on or poking about recently, e.g.:
> o WordPress - site migrations, self-hosting, plugins, backup, ...
> o DNS, DNSSEC, AAAA & CAA records, letencrypt.org & certs, etc.
> o virtualization & live (host) migrations
> o automatic web site updates, shell/scripting languages, crontab/at/...
> o Lists, forums, & management thereof
> o [L]UG management, dos/don'ts, venues, ...
> Please RSVP if you're planning to attend.  To do so please
> e-mail us a note to rsvp at balug.org
> indicating meeting date.  If you'll be bringing additional guest(s)
> please let us know total number of folks you're RSVPing for.
> Also please let us know any special requirements or concerns you may
> have (e.g. if you have any particular dietary considerations, so that
> we might possibly be able to accommodate you, or if you won't be dining
> with us but do wish to otherwise join our meeting).
> Please RSVP if you're planning to attend.  To do so please
> e-mail us a note to rsvp at balug.org
> indicating meeting date.  If you'll be bringing additional guest(s)
> please let us know total number of folks you're RSVPing for.
> Also please let us know any special requirements or concerns you may
> have (e.g. if you have any particular dietary considerations, so that
> we might possibly be able to accommodate you, or if you won't be dining
> with us but do wish to otherwise join our meeting).
>    6:30pm Tuesday, September 17th, 2019 2019-09-17
>    Henry's Hunan Restaurant
>    110 Natoma St. (between 2nd & New Montgomery)
>    San Francisco, CA 94105-3704
>    1-415-546-4999
>    http://henryshunan.com/
>    Easy Transit/Parking Access: short walk from BART, MUNI, parking
>       Trip planning:  http://www.511.org/
> Delicious Hunan cuisine and reasonably priced.
> Meeting Details...
> Cost/Dining:
>     The meetings are always free, but dinner is not (unless you are our
>     guest speaker, in which case we also treat you to dinner).  For
>     Henry's Hunan Restaurant, if folks are agreeable, we'll share and
>     dine "family" style, and split up the costs, and typical cost per
>     person including tax and tip (but not including beverages beyond
>     complementary tea) would be in the $16.00 to $23.00 range, and
>     commonly around $18.00 to $22.00.  Cash preferred to ease splitting
>     up the check.  One can also specifically order the dish(es) one
>     needs/prefers (e.g. for dietary considerations) - and we also
>     commonly order some dish(es) that may meet various dietary
>     considerations) (e.g. vegetarian, non-pork, ...).  Please arrive by
>     7:00 P.M., we expect to order entrees at that time, and may order
>     appetizer(s) and/or soup(s) anytime after 6:30 P.M.
> ------------------------------
> giveaways (& wanted), hardware, CDs/DVDs, books/publications, ...
> We typically have various giveaway items at BALUG meetings.  We'll
> likely have at least the below plus additional items.
> CDs/DVDs/ISOs, etc. - have a look here:
> https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=balug:cds_and_images_etc
> Donations of blank or +-RW media, USB flash, or funding thereof,
> also appreciated.  See the above URL for details (and the inventory
> (qty.) of what we specifically have "burned" and available on-hand does
> also frequently change).
> Hardware, etc. wanted/offered!
> Got some (computer, etc.) hardware, etc. you're looking to give
> away or acquire (or if not free, well below current fair market value),
> and locally?  We have a wiki page to list that - so ... see what's
> offered, wanted, etc.!
> https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=balug:offered_wanted_hardware_etc
> Books and other titles!
> have a peek here:
> https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=balug:books_and_publications
> ------------------------------
> help BALUG! :-) - volunteering, venue ...
> You can do useful and cool stuff volunteering to help BALUG.
> Quite a variety of opportunities to help BALUG.  Come talk to us at a
> meeting and/or drop us a note at: balug-contact at balug.org
> These opportunities may include, among other possibilities:
> o assist or lead on speaker coordination/procurement, etc.
> o venue arrangement (e.g. followup on potential leads,
>   on-site coordination/preparations)
> o chief/assistant cat herder
> o assist on publicity
> o Linux Systems Administration (e.g. do/assist/learn, with/under some
>     quite experienced and skilled Linux systems administrator(s)).
> o webmaster, assistant webmaster, designer, graphic artist
> o archivist/history/retrieval/etc.
> o and other various/miscellaneous tasks BALUG would like to be doing
>     (also feel free to suggest ideas!)
> ------------------------------
> Twitter - you can also follow BALUG on Twitter:
> https://twitter.com/#!/BALUG_org
> ------------------------------
> Feedback on our publicity/announcements (e.g. contacts or lists where we
> should get our information out that we're not presently reaching, or
> things we should do differently): publicity-feedback at balug.org
> ------------------------------

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