[sf-lug] [PYCLASS] NEW LOCATION! 12/8 Chapters 7 and 8

Asheesh Laroia asheesh at asheesh.org
Sun Dec 7 15:19:00 PST 2008

WHERE: Noisebridge (83C Weise St, near 16th & Mission BART) <http://noisebridge.net>
WHEN:  Mon Dec 8 6 PM
WHAT:  Community Python learning session: Chapter 7-8

TEXTBOOK INFO: http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/thinkpython.html
TEXTBOOK CHAP: http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/html/book008.html 
(and the next one)

This week, we focus on iteration, touching on Newton's Method for 
calculating square roots.  Exercise 4 is what Alex did last week at my 
urging, writing a Python intereter.

Exercise 5 would be easier if you know about doctests.  (Don't be shy - 
feel free to ask!)


A bunch of SF-LUG people have been learning an introduction to 
programming, and I've been facilitating.  My expectation is to have a fun 
conversation with people who have mostly read the chapter, and some of 
whom (hopefully all!) have done the chapter's exercises.


Noisebridge is a "hacker space" where people gather to discuss technology 
and art or build things.  It's a member-supported non-profit, and I think 
you'll think it's pretty cool.


I invite you to email me your answers to the exercises, or to discuss on 
the list.

See some of you there!

-- Asheesh.

That secret you've been guarding, isn't.

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