[sf-lug] external usb hard drive

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Mar 14 01:21:08 PDT 2008

Quoting Alex Kleider (a_kleider at yahoo.com):

> apt-cache search on my machine has never heard of ntfs-3g.
> I am running Etch.

You're running Debian-stable.  You can't get advanced, near-edge
software prepackaged in Debian-stable; that's simply not what that
development track is for.  The Debian-stable track is for boringly
stable and ultra-reliable versions of everything provided, usually at
the expense of being behind the curve on software versions and thus
recent features.

If you want ultra-stable, boringly predictable prepackaged binary
software, stay with Debian-stable.  If you want access to cutting-edge
software, upgrade to the testing or unstable tracks (or testing with
access to unstable).  Pick one.  ;->

Nore info:

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