[sf-lug] Spare RAM

Andy Grimm agrimm at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 13:03:49 PDT 2007

Well, it's not free, and there's probably got to be a kickback to MS
involved, but the guys over at Fluendo sell gstreamer plugins for
proprietary formats including WMA, and i expect that they work with both
non-DRM and DRM files:  https://shop.fluendo.com/
I've been using their free mp3 plugin for a while, and it works well.

I'm not a fan of DRM or proprietary software, but I'd rather see someone
install one proprietary plugin on a 99% FOSS system than have a poor
experience and go running back to a completely closed platform...


On 9/6/07, Jeff Bragg <jackofnotrades at gmail.com> wrote:
> > "Like I say, I have those installed, but the files don't seem to play. I
> >
> > think there may be a difference between DRM wma's and non-DRM wma-s.
> > Anyway, will see what I can do..."
> I think you're on the right track here.  Check out
> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=420085
> When I worked for IODA (a digital music aggregator) we did anything we
> needed to with wma's and other proprietary formats (e.g. Sony atrac files)
> on a Windows farm.  I don't think there's a legal way to work with
> DRM-protected wma's on Linux (short of purchasing a license from MS).
> You may have to hook the drive up to a Windows machine and convert the
> files to a DRM-less format.  My laptop dual boots Windows and Ubuntu, and I
> have experience with audio transcoding.  I'm happy to help, if any of this
> would be helpful.
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