[conspire] upgrade-in-place to Mailman 2.1.30 and want to test Mailman3?

Local mailing list for the CABAL Linux user group. conspire at linuxmafia.com
Fri Mar 1 15:00:45 PST 2024

Quoting Local mailing list for the CABAL Linux user group. (conspire at linuxmafia.com):

[This was Ron in BC.]

> I'm really feeling the nudge to set up a Mailman3 instance.

I'm not.  But I've already clarified my views about Mailman3.
To my knowledge, Mailman3 and latter releases of Mailman 2.1.x
both have the same DMARC mitigation options.  (I have not lately 
checked to see if Mailman3 has evolved further, but mostly because of
antipathy to the thing.  If you want to look into that question, it
might be interesting.

> If I were to set up a test list or two in Mailman3, would you be
> interested in checking out the features?

I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I'm not sure I should spare the
time.  There's a bunch of things that already need doing, and I'm not
sure what I'd learn from that, that has utility in my use-case -- 
unless there's some actual advantage.

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