[conspire] pandoc rules ok

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Tue Jul 30 08:02:07 PDT 2024

begin Nick Moffitt quotation of Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 10:31:12AM +0000:
> On 18Jul2023 10:04am (+0000), Nick Moffitt wrote:

> As an experiment, I tried just using the tufte-book documentclass on the draft PunyInform chapters, and it came out well (aside from my marginal images showing up in the main body section, which I can probably work around):
> 	https://zork.net/punybook/beginner.pdf (754k)

Looks good. I re-did my blog using GNU Make as a static site
generator, along with other tools


The fun* part about this is that I didn't have to learn an SSG again,
just a bunch of software I already use for other things.

Don Marti <dmarti at zgp.org>                   

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