[conspire] I am the very model of a Scary Devil Monastery

Ron / BCLUG admin at bclug.ca
Wed Nov 1 15:23:08 PDT 2023

Deirdre Saoirse Moen wrote on 2023-11-01 15:11:

> Serious answer for the bay area: leetcode. 
> https://leetcode.com/explore/interview/

I second this - leetcode is crucial to building skills and preparing for 
interview questions.

I personally have come to like this site even better:


YouTube also has great, free tutorials on lots of tech topics.

Favourites include:

* Fireship.io (all tech stacks)
* Beyond Fireship
* Kevin Powell (CSS)
* Hyperplexed (front-end dev)
* Web-dev Simplified (front-end, React)
* Build.io (builder.io? Steve is the guy's name)


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