[conspire] Recipe exchange (was: CABAL (in-person + Jitsi Meet), Sat. Feb. 11, 2023)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Mar 8 01:12:21 PST 2023

Quoting Syeed Ali (syeedali at syeedali.com):

> On Tue, 21 Feb 2023 14:45:41 -0800
> Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:
> > If you defeat the paywall (just disable Javascript for a moment)
> I LOLed.

I swear, there are innumerable online forums where people repeatedly 
say "I can't get to the NY Times article because of the paywall" no 
how many times I say "disable Javascript, reload page, re-enable
Javascript".  It's kind of sad.

Modern versions of most popular browsers (including Firefox and
Chromium/Chrome) _have_ made temporary disabling of Javascript difficult
unless/until you install a "toggle Javascript" browser extension.

Equally sad, if not more so:  The same "I can't..." people will
predictably balk at installing browser extensions that give them 
greater control over Web browser privacy and security.  Choices and
decisions are bad, after all.  Far better to leave everything to 
strangers who regard your eyeballs and personal data as commodities 
to misappropriate and sell.

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