[conspire] on Louis Rossmann (was: On HP printers)

Syeed Ali syeedali at syeedali.com
Wed Dec 27 19:39:50 PST 2023

On Wed, 27 Dec 2023 19:29:05 -0800
Syeed Ali <syeedali at syeedali.com> wrote:

> I saw a video earlier today where he talks about his side-job where he
> is working with a venture capitalist of some sort who is interested in
> technology and freedom and has been involved with various tech
> projects.  I only recall some sort of side-involvement with minds.com
> but can't remember the details at all.  I'm betting that app is
> associated with those sorts of endeavors.

I found the reference:


(I guess that's why I felt there was a minds.com association)

YouTube removed his announcement video for that app, but it was also
uploaded here:


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