[conspire] Mailing list software: mailman2 vs mailman3

Syeed Ali syeedali at syeedali.com
Mon Dec 11 03:19:44 PST 2023

On Mon, 11 Dec 2023 01:45:15 -0800
Ron / BCLUG <admin at bclug.ca> wrote:

> I'm curious on opinions of GNU mailman2 vs mailman3.
> I'm running mailman2 right now.

I'm hosting the resurrected GoLUG mailing list


We kept version 2 just to continue the lineage and remove any
additional learning curve for importing ancient archives.

I think an excellent comparison between the two would be their
migration documentation:


In general I feel it's a good idea to run the latest software when
other options are deprecated, it's popular enough, and when it's on
your server; you never know when a bug will hit unsupported software
and users will notice it slower or not at all, or are less motivated to
fix it.

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