[conspire] (forw) IP reputation of, pacbell.net's NDR

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Mar 1 12:26:09 PST 2022

I wrote:

> Mailing lists are inherently caught in the middle of the decades-long
> spam war.  Sometimes, even if you do everything right, some mail
> provider blacklists you for dumb or inexplicable reasons.  Seems like
> pacball.net recently did this to my linuxmafia.com server IP.

Oh, and by the way, _all_ mailing list subscribers using addresses in
pacbell.net, att.net, or sbcglobal.net are currently unable to receive
their subscription mail from linuxmafia.com .  On this mailing list
alone, that's five subscribers who cannot get their mail.

I'd love to let these Conspire subscribers know that their ISP AT&T 
is currently shooting them in the foot -- but AT&T impliedly wouldn't
accept my mail to so advise them:

Fred Brockman <fbrock at att.net>
David Chan <bearsfo at pacbell.net>
Marianne Arkwright <mariannx at pacbell.net>
Paul Zander <pazander at pacbell.net>
Walter Young <walyou at pacbell.net>

Nor these members of the sf-lug at linuxmafia.com mailing list:
Ola Peters <opeters at pacbell.net>
Carlos <carlosmt at sbcglobal.net>
Joseph B. Puig III <jbpuig at sbcglobal.net>
lx_rudis at sbcglobal.net
Mark Vincent <vincentm at sbcglobal.net>

Folks, if you know these good people, you might want to let them know.

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