[conspire] Happy New Preferred Application!

rogerchrisman at gmail.com rogerchrisman at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 19:09:28 PST 2021

Hm, and the weird breaking up of the whole display image into tiny
pieces happened again, this time while I was using Chromium, instead
of Firefox.

Roger -on Xubuntu wondering if maybe there is a graphics log that will
give a clue as to what is causing this intermittent problem which can
take several hours of using the computer, basically a browser, before

On Sat, Jan 2, 2021 at 2:23 PM <rogerchrisman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Preferred Application! < Settings
> [Happy New Year to you over there! Keep your distance!
> *
> < not pointing at a virus you cannot see.]
> Is the current place in Xubunto to change Web Browser from Firefox to
> Chromium or Debian Sensible Browser. [Hello! Who goes there! Keep your
> distance!]
> I look till I found it because Firefox has been crashing my Xubuntu.
> Maybe because my screen is big. I don't like, I mean I do like my big
> screen. I don't like ..
> the beginning, the middle, the end!
> I'm tire of the end!
> It comes as a scrambling of the screen into little squares that
> dis-align themselves in rows and columns. Don't Like! AGh!
> Calmness.
> The other gardener will comb the gravel with his rake.
> Concentric circles. Waves beconning, poised in time. Here now. Now
> here. Nowhere.
> Maybe Chromium will not cause the dis-alignment of display chunks.
> Maybe Firefox did not cause it. Maybe something else did. Maybe I will
> find out never what did. Therefore I am. Maybe not.
> [If I am not, then you are not either! I am not! Calmness. Illusion of time.]
> Happy New Year 2021!
> Roger -not yet vaccinated -some day -in a hurry -at home -at internet
> The above message was brought to you be Preferred Application <
> Settings. If you are not the intended recipient, then hush, it will be
> all right. Unless... this wont hurt ^.

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