[conspire] Web spam and yandex forms
Rick Moen
rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Dec 8 16:10:39 PST 2021
Quoting Paul Zander (paulz at ieee.org):
> When reading an earlier email in this thread, it took me a moment to
> remember the definition of "given name". When asked to give my
> name, the entries are always for "first name" and "last name", never
> "given name". Maybe its different in the UK, where ancestry is more
> important.
There's a secondary, somewhat annotated (with examples) copy of Patrick
McKenzie’s famous short essay Falsehoods Programmers Believe About
Names, hosted by tony rogers (and, just this once, I'll not be
impertinent and correct that to "Tony Rogers") at
https://shinesolutions.com/2018/01/08/falsehoods-programmers-believe-about-names-with-examples/ .
His _very first_ comment after the main text, in the Let’s Wrap This Up
second, says:
o Do not use terms like “first name” or “Christian name” – “given name”
is the most commonly accepted term in English.
So claims Mr. rogers, anyway. What do *I* know? I'm just an
irretrievably heterodox, somewhat polyglot Norwegian-American. But I
would have guessed that Mr. Rogers (there! impertinence returns) is
correct about that.
Also, "given name" will be less vexing to any of the quarter-milling
"Zhang Weis" of this word, not to mention the Liszt Ferencs -- whose
given names aren't _first_, are then? Nei?
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