[conspire] gitea

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Tue Oct 27 16:13:53 PDT 2020

On 27Oct2020 01:48pm (-0700), Rick Moen wrote:
[the foothills of Hindoku-zan elided]
> Mirabile dictu, there is:  There are two such projects, and they're
> perfectly fine and great for self-hosting without headaches or recurring
> security nightmares, but most people haven't heard of them because they
> don't have marketing budgets or roving gangs of fanboys like GitHub and
> GitLab.
> gitea:  https://gitea.io/
> gogs:  https://gogs.io/
> And that's where I'm leaving this topic, because I don't have time to
> write the rest of that Linuxmafia.com Knowledgebase article at the moment.

I can only speak of experience with gitea, from a couple of perspectives.

First of all, I finally did break down a few years ago and get a smartphone capable of running LineageOS, which seemed at the time to be a reasonably-supported white-box-rebuild release of Android.  I also use the F-Droid app repository, which has some less-than-truly-Free-Software applications, but with warnings saying things like "this app has some features you may not like:" followed by a list of the issues for me to make informed decisions on.  Sometimes that's as simple as "this app only really works with this one proprietary web service", and sometimes it's "the upstream codebase for this app stopped being free at this date...".

I decided not to "root" my phone, in order to preserve the Android one-user-per-app security model.  Most of the really heavy Linuxy stuff on my phone I tend to do within termux:


One of the packages included in the software repositories (which support using `apt` commands, even though they don't seem to be dpkg-based) is gitea, which by default fires up an sqlite database to store metadata in.  I also have clones of my projects in the shell under termux, as well as via the "gitnex" client app:


So on my laptop I tend to have a git remote for the static-via-home-DHCP IP address of my little home gitea server, but also one for the static-via-home-DHCP address of my phone.  When I'm out and about I usually don't worry about pushing to my phone, but I have fiddled the address of the remote entry once or twice to make sure that important changes aren't relying on only one storage medium before.

I am not using this for collaboration with anyone else, but the UX is really smooth and I do use "issues" to keep track of to-do lists and bugs I find in my own stuff.  I'm really happy with the system for personal use, and would probably put it on a proper database and public IP as a first choice for group collaboration on a coding project.

Further, if you're not averse to snapd (and please don't take this as an invitation to debate the relative merits of that system in this thread), the gitea snap is similarly easy to set up and use.

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