[conspire] (forw) Fwd: Excellent Overview. Fwd: Covid-19 Patients Are Testing Positive Longer Than Expected

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed May 6 12:39:26 PDT 2020

It really _is_ an excellent overview, IMO.  Particularly interesting
are details about persistent virus shedding in recovered COVID-19 
patients for a long time.  Major shedding has been confirmed in 60% 
of patients studied for _28 days_, and then there are smaller 'blip' 
appearances of viral shedding for months.

Tip of the hat to Ruben and his local associates for calling attention 
to this video clip.

----- Forwarded message from George Moskowitz MD <yehudazev at gmail.com> -----

From: george moskowitz <efaxgmmd at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, May 6, 2020, 8:27 AM
Subject: Covid-19 Patients Are Testing Positive Longer Than Expected
To: George Moskowitz MD <yehudazev at gmail.com>


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