[conspire] Let's look at fluview

Deirdre Saoirse Moen deirdre at deirdre.net
Sun May 3 17:35:24 PDT 2020

On May 3, 2020, at 16:54, Nick Moffitt <nick at zork.net> wrote:
> This format of response (reminiscent of the "GOOGLE RON PAUL" memes of election years gone by), reminds me of a friend who stumbled across a "CoolAmericaFacts" subreddit, which seems to be full of ironic takes on right-wing memes designed to educate any who follow through on the bait.  They forwarded on a bunch of examples in fits of giggles.

Yes, I came across this sub and had the same reaction.

One of the memes that’s been making the rounds on various media I follow is the point that there are more COVID-19 casualties in the US than the Vietnam war. [1][2][3] I mean the American war. Which, as someone who lived through the *years* of that as a kid and had an uncle who was never ever the same after, I just…can’t fathom. Literally can’t.

Which reminded me of one of local historical interest I came across recently, given that YouTube keeps offering me John Fogerty videos. :P

Some of  you may know that One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was written about a mile from our home (on Perry Ave, then Perry Lane): https://goo.gl/maps/XKrtkjKuykCpQRMs6 — not the right house, which no longer exists, but one of the remaining Camp Fremont army barracks houses from that era that he lived in, and the type that a friend of ours who babysat the Kesey kids lived in.

I knew about the Supreme Court case that Fogerty’s former record company had sued him for sounding too much like himself (which Fogerty won): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fogerty_v._Fantasy,_Inc.

But what I hadn’t realized was that his band (Creedence Clearwater) had sold their shares to Saul Zaentz (who owned much of the record company in question, and that allowed him to produce the film version of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. And Amadeus.



[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War - if you think you know about the war because you lived through it, you missed a lot. Note, however: US casualties of 58,318.

[2] Today’s handy dandy flu v. COVID-19 chart visualizing the difference: https://twitter.com/_cingraham/status/1256609564721442817

[3] https://covidtracking.com/data

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