[conspire] Let's look at fluview

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Sun May 3 16:54:32 PDT 2020

On 01May2020 01:52pm (-0700), Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Paul Zander (paulz at ieee.org):
> > The particular individual who sent the email thinks Trump is great. 
> > So that I why I selected the story that Trump didn't approve of
> > Sweden.  That seems to have stopped said person from continuing.  
[A woman proposed a conspiracy theory, which Rick challenged]
> Her idea of a response was that I ought to Web-search 'Senator Johnson
> HHS letter' or something like that.  Notably, she saw no obligation to
> substantiate her claim.

This format of response (reminiscent of the "GOOGLE RON PAUL" memes of election years gone by), reminds me of a friend who stumbled across a "CoolAmericaFacts" subreddit, which seems to be full of ironic takes on right-wing memes designed to educate any who follow through on the bait.  They forwarded on a bunch of examples in fits of giggles.

For example, "Did you know? In 2021 Marvel will be releasing a movie about one of their more obscure Southeast Asian superheroes!  Google 'vietnam: agent orange' to learn more!" or "Did you know that MLK invented the telephone booth?  Google 'COINTELPRO' to find the TRUTH!" 

But my absolute favourite is the NRA-styled one with a pro-gun Marx quote and a photo of Ronald Reagan that encourages the reader to google the mulford act.

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