[conspire] (forw) Re: CABAL in the time of Cholera^W SARS-CoV-2: March event cancelled

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Thu Mar 19 01:53:18 PDT 2020

On 18Mar2020 12:22pm (-0700), Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Paul Zander (paulz at ieee.org):
> >  I'd been wondering about how various people deal with the self-isolation.
> >  Italians sing from their balconies.  I have a list, similar to Rick's: 
> >  yard work, reading, cooking ...
> I should start bellowing Italian arias from my front porch in my rather
> uncertain baritone.  It would go a long ways towards cementing my reputation
> as the neighbourhood loon^W character.

I informed my neighbours that they had goddamned better brush up on the lyrics to Hamilton to get ready for the part where we all start singing out our windows.

> Or maybe a hundred or so of the neopagan alternative verses to 'Old-Time
> Religion'.  
>   Good old Thor's the god of thunder
>   Really helps us get our plunder
>   Tho his head's still truly dunder
>   He is good enough for me!

Remember: You can't have Thursday without Thor!  'tis the Reason for the Season!

> > Yesterday, I saw lots of individuals walking.
> Altschul Avenue, over which Moen Mansion looms proudly</sarcasm>, is
> _the_ local place for strolling and being seen.  Sort of a hick
> alternative to Tel Aviv's Rehov Dizengoff, or NYC's Fifth Avenue.

As mentioned earlier, we've been advocating "anti-social rides" at Ealing Cycling Campaign.

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