[conspire] CABAL in the time of Cholera^W SARS-CoV-2: March event cancelled

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Mar 15 14:44:18 PDT 2020

Quoting Dire Red (deirdre at deirdre.net):

> 5. Mostly for Reuben
> Saw this yesterday, thought of you.
> https://twitter.com/rachsyme/status/1238869169262727168

<mode="80s"> Let's careful out there. </mode>

Something Deirdre retweeted from (@kcolbin) also seems relevant:

  Here is the thing to understand about flattening the curve.
  It only works if we take necessary measures, before they seem necessary.
  And if it works, people will think we over-reacted.
  We have to be willing to look like we over-reacted.

Remember how, because of long, painstaking work, 'Y2K' didn't take down
computing?  And then, a long sequence of fools proclaimed said threat
overblown?  We'd (ideally) like this year's outcome to be similar.

The rain having cleared, there's lots of opportunity for walks out in
the Big Room with the Blue Ceiling.

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