[conspire] Ti-i-i-ime, is on my side, yes it is

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Sun Mar 8 16:29:19 PDT 2020

On 08Mar2020 04:01pm (-0700), Rick Moen wrote:
> The expressions 'AM' and "PM', ante meridiem and post meridiem,
> translate directly from the Latin to 'before noon' and 'after noon'.  
> So, it always amuses me when people use the expression '12 PM' to mean
> noon, because as written that literally denotes twelve hours after noon,
> i.e., midnight.  By the same logic, '12 AM' literally denotes twelve
> hours before noon, i.e., midnight.

You pointed this out to me once twenty years ago, and I since only refer to "noon" or "midnight".  I also found out that german trains never arrive or depart at "12:00", but only at "0:00" or "12:01" or "11:59".

Interestingly, there are cases to be made for times such as "25:34" to indicate "1:34 AM after some event period in question."

There is literally no case to be made for changing the clocks twice per year, however.  This is well-trod territory, but the question I always pose to defenders of the Sacred Clock-Changing Tradition is this:

	If DST/Summer Time truly has every single advantage you claim, then why do we only do it during the *sunniest* months of the year?  Wouldn't we need it *more* during the dark of winter?  Why do we only do it when sunshine is abundant, and not when it is scarce?

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