[conspire] Federales in Portland?

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Tue Jul 21 03:28:19 PDT 2020

On 20Jul2020 03:48pm (-0700), Rick Moen wrote:
> The probable reason: They no longer have more than feeble pretences of
> having a philosophy.  Ever since around the time Newt Gingrich shut down
> funding for the Federal government for stupid reasons, there has been no
> core agenda to what now passes for 'conservatism', only the perpetuation
> of power for its own sake.  Everything else is tactical.  It doesn't
> have anything that it stands for.  Barry Goldwater or Robert Taft would
> say 'What sort of space aliens are these?'

Of course, any mention of Newt Gingrich requires re-airing of this classic segment of TV Nation, from a time before Republicans knew who Michael Moore actually was:


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