[conspire] Federales in Portland?

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Jul 20 15:48:42 PDT 2020

Quoting Josef Grosch (jgrosch at gmail.com):

> It looks to me like we are heading into Pinochet territory. For
> those who did not get the reference, and I wonder where the hell
> have you been, look up Operation Condor on Wikipedia.

Once one declared that the political opposition illegitimate as being
mere pawns of Cold War enemy forces, it became dead-easy to do
atrocities in the name of the supposed national interest.  That's the
purpose of dehumanising the opposition.  It justifies total war.

At the time, I found it fascinating that Gerald Ford's administration 
did exactly nothing about the cheeky assassination on Pinochet's direct 
orders of former Ambassador Letelier _and_ a completely innocuous and
non-political American colleague (Ronni Moffitt), _in_ Washington, DC,
right in the middle of Embassy Row.


Which is to say, Ford's administration knowingly turned a blind eye to a
political assassination of both a career foreign diplomat _and_ an
American citizen by Pinochet's Chile, right in the middle of our
national capital.

That's a small indicator of how far up their nether regions our spooks
and military -- and covering political factions -- became during
Operation Condor.

> What I wan to know is where are all those second amendment types,
> you know, the guys who have been screaming for last 30 years that
> they NEED their guns to protect us from a tyrannical government
> taking away our rights. WACO ! RUBY RIDGE ! Where are they? Where is
> the NRA? Those commies over at the ACLU filed a lawsuit over the
> weekend. The tyrannical government taking away our rights is here,
> now, in Portland. Where are the 2A guys?
> Their silence is deafening and speaks volumes.

You may not have noticed, but major factions of so-called
'conservatives' in the USA have developed the knack of simply shrugging
off any pointing out of moral inconsistency.  I mean, you're welcome to
keep pointing it out, but don't expect to make any impression.

The probable reason: They no longer have more than feeble pretences of
having a philosophy.  Ever since around the time Newt Gingrich shut down
funding for the Federal government for stupid reasons, there has been no
core agenda to what now passes for 'conservatism', only the perpetuation
of power for its own sake.  Everything else is tactical.  It doesn't
have anything that it stands for.  Barry Goldwater or Robert Taft would
say 'What sort of space aliens are these?'

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