[conspire] Dying Languages, Server-Side Swift

Deirdre Saoirse Moen deirdre at deirdre.net
Fri Feb 21 11:46:11 PST 2020

On Feb 9, 2020, at 18:52, paulz at ieee.org wrote:
> Hope there was a good turnout.  Yet another 2nd Saturday when I had too many conflicts.
> The link below predicts that no one will be using these languages, at least for work, by 2030.  At one time, I thought I was headed to a career as a Perl monger.  I concede that python has largely replaced it.  People seem to think that getting indents correct is easier than ending statements with";"
> Perl
> Objective-C
> Ruby
> R
> CoffeeScript
> https://insights.dice.com/2020/02/03/5-programming-languages-you-wont-use-2030/?amp&utm_campaign=Advisory_DiceAdvisor_H1B&utm_source=Responsys&utm_medi <https://insights.dice.com/2020/02/03/5-programming-languages-you-wont-use-2030/?amp&utm_campaign=Advisory_DiceAdvisor_H1B&utm_source=Responsys&utm_medi>
Apologies for the necro-reply, but this large survey response (of 2290 Apple platform developers) just came out today.

Apart from Swift/Objective-C (the assumed languages), other languages, in order:

JavaScript (45.4%)
Python (30.8%)
Ruby (21.8%)
Java (20.6%) - first major Android Platform language

In order after that:

Kotlin (next major Android platform language), TypeScript, C++, C, C#.

In no particular order, also mentioned: Rust, PHP, Go, Lua, Elixir, Dart, Haskell.

Perl didn’t even make the list, nor did the others mentioned except for Ruby.


Only real questions of Linux interest are the server-side: https://iosdevsurvey.com/2019/08-swift-on-the-server/#q52

Vapor deploys 87.2% vs. Kitura 14.9% (of 335 survey responses).

On q53, one of the larger deploys of Vapor was on vapor.cloud, which is shutting down at the end of the month and gives heroku migration instructions. Sad panda. However, the project will continue and will permit deployment onto third-party services, it just won’t be a service itself anymore. 

I’m seriously genuinely surprised that Microsoft Visual Studio Code is the second most preferred code editor. Vim is 4th place. https://iosdevsurvey.com/2019/11-developer-tools/#q69


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