[conspire] (forw) HaveIBeenPwned.com (was: Safer Browsing)

Texx texxgadget at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 00:45:00 PDT 2019

Some time back, I mentioned that Id stopped giving the recruiters ANY part
of my SS#, having adopted the last 4 digits of the phone of a guy I had a
mad crush on many years ago.
I admitted to having foolishly continuing to give my real birth day and
I promised to adopt Feb 29.

Status report.  Just when I cruely refer to them as "clueless indians"
(I dont have a problem with Indians per se', just the ones who work in
recruiting companies and act more like telemarketers than recruiters)
I get my come uppance.
They are wise to the Feb 29 thing and they ALL call me on it.  They might
actually have a couple neurons firing after all...
I suppose that I will have to make it Feb 28 instead.

I had SO planned to have fun with the Feb 29 thing, but it is not to be.

T B, or NOT TB.
That is the question.
Consumption be done about it?
Of cough, of cough!
But not for a lung, lung, time.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 3:40 PM Deirdre Saoirse Moen <deirdre at deirdre.net>

> On Mar 27, 2019, at 3:17 PM, Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:
> Deirdre, as a longtime Vermonter, can speak to the quality of the Green
> Mountain state's apples, but yes, pie for breakfast there is very much
> a thing:
> To quote our late friend Kathryn, “The only good pineapple is a stolen
> pineapple.”
> I’d send the teenage boys up the trees on the fallow farms. Worked well
> enough. We’d come home with the entire cargo area of the car full of
> intensely flavored (but very small) apples.
> Deirdre
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R "Texx" Woodworth
Sysadmin, E-Postmaster, IT Molewhacker
"Face down, 9 edge 1st, roadkill on the information superdata highway..."
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