[conspire] I get mail

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Jan 3 12:49:52 PST 2018

I don't know why I'm suddenly being nice to Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, but there
you have it. 

----- Forwarded message from "Baskin, Mikhail" [an address at morganstanley.com]  -----

Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2018 17:49:28 +0000
From: "Baskin, Mikhail" [an address at morganstanley.com]
To: "respond-auto at linuxmafia.com" <respond-auto at linuxmafia.com>
Subject: Struts latest release

Hi Rick.
We at Morgan Stanley using Struts 1 for our Java application.
I am trying to justify a project to rewrite to Java 2.
The management  ask me to find out "the deadline"  Struts 1  can not be used anymore.

Can you, please, give us approximate date ?

Mikhail Baskin.
[cid:image001.jpg at 01D384BA.333B3CA0]


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----- End forwarded message -----
----- Forwarded message from Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> -----

Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2018 12:43:51 -0800
From: Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>
To: "Baskin, Mikhail" [an address at morganstanley.com]
Subject: Re: Struts latest release
Organization: If you lived here, you'd be $HOME already.

Quoting Baskin, Mikhail [an address at morganstanley.com]:

> Hi Rick.
> We at Morgan Stanley using Struts 1 for our Java application.
> I am trying to justify a project to rewrite to Java 2.
> The management  ask me to find out "the deadline"  Struts 1  can not be used anymore.
> Can you, please, give us approximate date ?

I'm sorry to say, Mr. Baskin, that I'm the wrong person to ask.  The
e-mail address at which you reached me, "respond-auto at linuxmafia.com",
appears in exactly one place, at the top of an online essay, 'How to Ask
Questions the Smart Way' I co-wrote with Eric S. Raymond.  I am
guessing that a J2EE project's Web help pages hyperlinks to Eric's and my
essay on Eric's Web site, which you assumed was part of that J2EE
project's help pages, and clicked on my author link to ask my help.

In fact, I think I just found the link you must have followed.  It's 
at https://struts.apache.org/mail.html , near page bottom.

Unfortunately, although I'm involved with the software industry
(DevOps), I have no connection to J2EE and no knowledge of when Struts
v. 1 will be end-of-lifed.  I'm merely co-author of an essay.

Web-searching 'struts 1 eol' finds various possible links including:

I infer an answer to your question -- but please bear in mind I'm
speaking an educated guess as an outsider, and my answer has absolutely
zero authority:  You can still use Struts 1 indefinitely but at your
peril, because it ceased having security and bug fixes effective
April 5, 2013.  Since then, almost five years, it has been completely

Apache Foundation offers Struts 2 as a replacement Web framework, and
credibly claims it is mature, modern, well featured, and well
maintained.  The difficulty, of course, is that it's not even remotely
close to a drop-in replacement.  Alternatives, as they say on the link
cited above, include Spring Web MVC, Grails, and Stripe.

I hope this guesstimated answer on my part proves useful, and wish you
good fortune with the softwar engineering effort.

For reference, 'How to Ask Questions the Smart Way' is at 

Cheers,                     « Le doute n'est pas une état bien agréable, mais
Rick Moen                   l'assurance est un état ridicule. »  ("Doubt is not 
rick at linuxmafia.com         a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.')
McQ! (4x80)                                                       -- Voltaire 

----- End forwarded message -----

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