[conspire] (forw) Re: Question regarding the install of linux distribution with an Optimus GeForce graphic card

Leo P yaconsult at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 16:29:33 PDT 2016

Hi Rick,

Sounds delicious!  I will be there.

Fedora 24 is the current release and has been out since June and is what I
have on my Lenovo laptop.  But I have never played with linux on Optimus

This is the best writeup I have found on the various options for Optimus
support on linux as of last October:

My question is whether his laptop came with a Windows installation that he
wants to preserve?  Mine came with Windows 10 and also has some partitions
reserved for recovery purposes as no one provides windows installation
disks any more.  I shrank my windows partition and made mine dual-boot with
fedora while preserving all the recovery stuff.  A gparted usb key worked
well for shrinking the windows partition to make room for fedora.

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 3:11 PM, Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Quoting Leo P (yaconsult at gmail.com):
> > The Bumblebee project appears to provide good support for Optimus under
> > fedora: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Bumblebee with various options
> > available from the Bumblebee repository.
> Yeah, hold that thought.  He did have a go at that, and reports:
>   After posting on fedora forums, it appeared that the fedora solution
>   to handle the dual graphic card approach of Optimus is to install
>   Bumbleebee:
>   https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Bumblebee
>   I also tried to enable the intel graphic of the Optimus in order to work
>   as usual with a simple Nvidia card, but my BIOS does not offer this
>   possibility.
> I'll send his full e-mail to the mailing list soon.  (Nicholas is not on
> this mailing list, I believe.)
> > While not Optimus, on my primary desktop, I use the binary nvidia drivers
> > repackaged by rpmfusion and they have always been rock solid and the
> latest
> > version.  The packaging done by rpmfusion ensures that everything is kept
> > in sync as opposed to downloading and installing the driver directly from
> > nvidia and using an install shell script.  Bumblebee appears to provide
> the
> > same convenience for Optimus.
> That's covered in another part of his mail:
>   I tried to install the driver from NvIdia website but this did not
>   work at all.  I also tried to install the depot RPM as explained below:
>   http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/251629/how-to-
> install-nvidia-proprietary-drivers-on-fedora-23
> That's the rpmfusion.org approach.
> > If you want to bring your own fedora image on usb key or dvd, you can
> > either get the generic desktop at:
> > https://getfedora.org/en/workstation/download/
> > or a specific desktop spin, if you have a preference, at
> > https://spins.fedoraproject.org/
> He says he's burned Fedora 23 to a DVD and will bring it.  (It sounds
> like he's burned a number of other distros, and isn't picky about which
> he uses.)
> Looking forward to seeing you, Leo.  I have ribs marinating in a nice
> chile pepper, lime, and ginger sauce (and Ross is bringing a different
> variety, sous-vided).
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