[conspire] Someone doesn't like the Bay Area's fiber optic cables

Ross Bernheim rossbernheim at gmail.com
Sat Jul 4 12:08:34 PDT 2015


Security is difficult, expensive and requires a commitment that our society really hasn’t

Most of the measures you propose give a false sense of security. For example, 
we have a system of security clearances and accesses. Didn’t stop or hinder
Snowden or Manning for example.

No, it is up to the people in the system to exercise vigilance and common sense
and report and act on suspicious behaviors or circumstances. But even when this
is done, it is no guarantee that things will be acted upon.

Ask the FBI agents (plural) who reported suspicious activity at several pilot training
courses where groups of arabs wanted to learn how to fly airliners, but not how to 
take off or land them. The reports were ignored. One agent risked her career by 
submitting her concerns a second time and finally a third time jumping the chain
of command several levels. Result was in all cases, no action taken. End result
the attacks on the twin towers and Pentagon went forward unhindered.

It is usually a failure of analysis and follow on rather than a lack of intelligence
data that is the problem. Collecting more data is counter productive when we
lack the ability to process it and act upon it.


> On Jul 4, 2015, at 10:02 AM, Scott DuBois <rhcom.linux at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 03, 2015 at 07:37:25PM -0700, Ross Bernheim wrote:
>> NSA has no agents and cannot infiltrate unions. Domestic intelligence is the purview
>> of the FBI.
> Thank you for that clarification. I have little study in political sciences.
> Whichever agency would be "correct" for such instances then. It would seem to be
> an unfortunate circumstance but, the best defense is to have those who manage
> the infrastructure to be the "keepers" of the infrastructure which means making
> the lowest levels directly responsible for it's protection.
> This would also mean we would have to insure our "keepers" are not being social
> engineered, extorted, racketeered, or in any other way swayed to doing the wrong
> thing or allowing it to happen either from inside or outside influences.
> -- 
> Scott DuBois       "The true sign of intelligence is...
> BSIT/SE	                 not knowledge but imagination"
> EFF ID: 1731778                             -- Einstein
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