[conspire] Receiving larger files from non-linux users?

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Oct 11 12:49:31 PDT 2012

Quoting James Sundquist (sundquistjames at gmail.com):

> We can agree to disagree on my methods, but it is the only one that
> works for me thus far.

I'm glad you found something that works for you and your friends.

Part of where I'm coming from is that I long ago got tired of friend Foo
offhandedly expecting me to enter into a business contract with
nobody-in-particular, just to do something simple with friend Foo.

'Foo wants to send me a file' would be an excellent example:  Foo says
'Please sign up for a contractual business relationship with Dropbox,
Inc. and destroy your local workstation security by installing some
black-box proprietary binary-only software from Dropbox, Inc. onto it,
that hooks into Web browsers and file browsers, changes their behaviour,
and possibly does other things you have no way of knowing antying

My reply:  'No.  Just send me the damned file.  Or put it on Web space
somewhere and send me the URL.'

Web space is available cheap or free in an extremely large number of
places.  There's no excuse for the other sort of bullshit.

Another example of 'friend Foo offhandedly expects me to enter into a
business contract with nobody-in-particular, just to do something simple 
with friend Foo' would be BayLISA asking everyone attending BayLISA
meetings to sign up with Meetup so they can RSVP.  The dolt on the Board
of Directors who's pushing this keeps saying he wants me to use Meetup.
(I'm on the Board with him.)

I don't argue:  I just don't do it.  Fortunately, 'No' doesn't require
action in such cases, and is in fact a convenient default.

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