[conspire] kernel crash reported // for wifi ?

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Jun 5 20:16:33 PDT 2012

Quoting Ken Bernard (kenbernard at gmail.com):

> Thanks - I will post that info as soon as I can wrap my head around what I
> need to do to find it. A night's sleep with it on my mind and I should be
> ready to give it a go. (Hinting for some terminal command, that I should
> remember but don't)

This will probably catch it:
lspci | grep -i wireless

The above takes the rather verbose full output of the 'lspci' utility --
which asks the PCI controller chip 'Please dump to console a listing of
information about all the PCI devices you know about' -- and winnows out
to display only any line that includes the word 'wireless' in any
lettercase (the '-i' switch meaning 'case-insensitive', you see).

The intent of the name 'lspic' is 'ls pci', which is to say do
concerning PCI devices what the ls command does concerning files.  Make

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