[conspire] Ubuntu 9.04

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Oct 10 14:12:09 PDT 2011

Quoting Nick Moffitt (nick at zork.net):

I see you suddenly veered offlist.  Correcting.

> Rick Moen:
> > Quoting Nick Moffitt (nick at zork.net):
> > > Huh, I thought do-release-upgrade was only supported for LTS->LTS in
> > > the XX.XX.2 releases.  
> > 
> > I see nothing in the docs to that effect, and, to the contrary, I see
> > specific blanket official recommendation, e.g.,:
> > https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/installing-upgrading.html
> Yeah, that's a bit iffy.  I know you can't do it until at *least* the .1
> release, but I was under the impression that the LTS->LTS jump needed at
> least .2 to work without the "not recommended for production
> environments" -d switch.

It would be helpful if you could find something that says that, and even
better if you can find something that admins are likely to come across.
Documentation for Ubuntu Server has, in my experience, been obscure and
impoverished.  (I would never have picked that for SVLUG's Web server.
SVLUG's then-VP Micah Dowty did so without checking with anyone else,
and then walked away and said 'OK, you guys do the work, now.'

In any event, I am not able to properly apprehend what you mean, above.
The do-release-upgrade tool does not offer the degree of choice you seem
to be implying.

> > http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/upgrade
> This seems to be about 10.10 to 11.04, which is non-LTS -> LTS.

Nothing on that page says or implies that it's limited ot 10.10 to
11.04.  Note the URL.  That is one of Ubuntu's most prominent ongoing
generic page about upgrades.  _It_ links to another of Ubuntu's most
prominent ongiong generic pages about upgrades,
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes, which includes this
section, that dicusses specifically 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS.  And that in
turn links to here, which basically says (for servers)
do-release-upgrade , and has not even a warning, let alone a workaround,
for the problem I mentioned:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades

Thus my point, which I believe I arrived at before this disgression,
whose utilty and information content are unclear to me.

> I'm talking about the 8.04 -> 10.04 jump, which I believe was
> unsupported until 10.04.2.  I may have misremembered, but I did go to
> 10.04.1 on my personal server straight from 8.04, and had to use -d to
> force the issue.

You straighten out what you remember, and (more important) what the docs
say that I'm (allegedly) missing.  Meanwhile, I'm a bit busy.

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