[conspire] Gandi is a registrar used by organizations I trust.

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Wed Jan 19 03:24:36 PST 2011

Don Marti:
> I'm avoiding GoDaddy...
>   http://nodaddy.com/

I'm not thrilled by the execution of that campaign, but I will heartily
second its sentiments.  I have had to deal with GoDaddy in a
professional context off and on for several years now, and they'd be too
expensive at half the price.

For my personal domains I use gandi.net, which was a snap decision made
by looking at the WHOIS records of several highly technical and
privacy-/rights-aware organizations I trust (The EFF, The FSF, etc).  I
kind of use these domains as a canary: if any of them move off Gandi en
masse, that's probably a sign that I should re-evaluate my registrar

I did further research after I first moved to Gandi, and was pleased
with what I found at the time.  That was nearly a decade ago, though, so
my memory on the particulars is worse than foggy.  I did note recently
that they just added presence in the US, and that concerns me a little

Man, I love how everyone is like "In my blog, which is
a blog on the Internet, which you all may be interested
in visiting, I talked about what I am now saying here."
                            -- George Moffitt

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