[conspire] More Firefox Addon problems - this tie from MS

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Feb 2 13:38:49 PST 2010

I wrote:

> > I guess MEPIS more or less fits the bill, but I have my
> > reservations.
> Same.  I'm actually thinking of just recommending Sidux, for that niche.
> It really _isn't_ running sid; adding stability is pretty much one of
> the cornerstones of what Sidux is about.

Sidux would give just generic KDE/Debian on a live CD.  (Or Xfce, or
Fluxbox).  MEPIS adds MEPIS Network Assistant, MEPIS System Assistant,
MEPIS User Assistant, and MEPIS X-Windows [sic] Assistant, which are not
in generic KDE.

I can only guess that those four utilities are a large part of MEPIS's
alleged charms, i.e., the whole "Help, I don't know what I'm doing and
don't want to use vi or a command line" hapless-user thing.

Xandros was my main nod to those folks, throwing proprietary goo at
people to provide all manner of MS-Windows integration, etc.

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