[conspire] (forw) Re: need help, need free linux
Rick Moen
rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Feb 8 23:27:25 PST 2009
----- Forwarded message from Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> -----
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2009 23:26:57 -0800
From: Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>
To: Dee <marinawindharp at yahoo.com>
Cc: installers at linuxmafia.com
Subject: Re: need help, need free linux
Reply-To: installers at linuxmafia.com
Quoting Dee (marinawindharp at yahoo.com):
> I am looking for help in obtaining a linux CD and installing it on a
> windows 98 laptop. Please let me know when you will host an
> installfest in the near future,
Hi, Dee!
CABAL hosts (what amount to) installfests at its regular twice-monthly
meetings in West Menlo Park, every 2nd and 4th Saturday. The next CABAL
meeting will be coming up in six days, this coming Saturday....
:r! cal
February 2009
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
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...February 14th, with the subsequent one two weeks later on Saturday,
February 28th. These meetings are at my and my wife's suburban house,
two miles west of the CalTrain station. (If people want to visit via
CalTrain, we can pick you up. Call 650-283-7902 cellular.)
SVLUG also runs installfests, those being in east San Jose (Evergreen
Valley College campus), every 3rd Saturday. Thus, that event will next
be on Saturday, Feb. 21st.
Further details:
http://linuxmafia.com/cabal/installfests/ <- CABAL
http://www.svlug.org/installfest/ <- SVLUG
As to "obtaining a Linux CD", the good news is that CABAL has a wide
selection that you can use and duplicate. Your real obstacle will be
deciding which ones and how many you want copies of. The list is here:
http://linuxmafia.com/cabal/installfest/#distros (starting with the word
Your subject header said "Need free Linux". If by "free" you mean "at
no charge", then be assured that CABAL doesn't charge anything because
CABAL isn't selling anything. We're a volunteer group, and the Linux
distributions we permit you or anyone else to duplicate are lawful to do
so, and moreover are also available for you to download.
If you intend to come and duplicate Linux distribution media (a complete
installable set of Linux + applications being referred to as a
"distribution"), then please do arrive with your own blank CD and or DVD
media to copy onto. As a convenience to people who arrive without blank
media and ask me (as host) if I can give/lend/spot them a few discs, I
tend to offer access to my own personal supplies at a deliberately
outrageous price of $1 per blank CD-R disc, and $2 per blank DVD+R or
DVD-R disc. That's intended to motivate people to do the obvious, and
bring their own supplies rather than expecting to sponge off the host.
(On the other hand, if those outrageous prices meet visitors' needs,
we're both happy.)
----- End forwarded message -----
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