[conspire] Jarritos and CD/DVD media [was Re: Installfest in Fremont]

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Aug 17 11:20:24 PDT 2009

Quoting Tony Godshall (tony at of.net):

> What kind of Jarritos?  I'm partial to the tamarindo and the limon
> (lime) myself.

Tamarindo and mandarina.  I'm also very fond of toronja, which was
not in stock at the store I visited.

Those, limon, and a couple of others use natural flavourings only; 
some of the others rely on artificial flavours, at least in part.

> The media is cheap which is perhaps why many disrespect them but of
> course that's not cool because there is labor involved- not just to
> re-burn but to locate the image etc.

What was particularly irksome on Saturday was the _opportunity_ cost of
not having working discs available when I was counting on them.  If the 
guilty CABALista in question had said, back in July (say...) "Rick,
please be advised that I'm just about to ruin your Lenny 5.01 i386 CD1 by 
rubbing it around in a pile of other discs", that would have been far
less problematic, as I'd have _known_ in a timely fashion that I'd be
needing to re-download and re-burn it, instead of finding out on
Saturday, August 15th, at my moment of need.

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