[conspire] [NYTimes] Comcast Appeals F.C.C. Sanction

Eric De Mund ead-conspire at ixian.com
Thu Sep 4 16:46:01 PDT 2008


>From today's NYTimes. Forwarded FYI.

    Comcast Appeals F.C.C. Sanction
    By Saul Hansell

    Comcast made no secret of its interest in challenging the Federal
    Communications Commission's order in August sanctioning the cable
    company for how it impeded the Internet connections of some custo-
    mers as they were trying to share files over the Internet.

    Comcast filed suit Thursday in the United States Court of Appeals
    in Washington mainly to challenge the authority of the commission
    to rule on such matters. The F.C.C. did not fine Comcast. The regu-
    latory body mainly ordered the Philadelphia company to make changes
    in how it would handle periods when its Internet network was near-
    ing full capacity -- changes Comcast had already agreed to make.

    [ remaining four paragraphs elided ]

Comcast's basic argument is that they violated no published FCC rule.

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Eric De Mund   | Ixian Systems           | Jab: eadixian at jabber.org/main
ead at ixian.com  | 650 Castro St, #120-210 | Y!M: ead0002
ixian.com/ead/ | Mountain View, CA 94041 | ICQ: 811788

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