[conspire] When will came out the latest version of xxbuntu?

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Fri Jan 11 18:55:46 PST 2008

begin Adrien Lamothe quotation of Thu, Jan 10, 2008 at 11:40:56PM -0800:

> If you first install Ubuntu, then install KDE, you will still have GNOME and
> Mono on your system. Of course, you could then remove all of those, but it will
> take time.

  sudo apt-get --purge remove mono-common

should take care of it.  And yes, you can

  sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment

without pulling in mono-common.

Or am I missing something?

Don Marti                    
dmarti at zgp.org

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