[conspire] Creating Home Partition

David E. Fox dfox at m206-157.dsl.tsoft.com
Sat May 5 08:22:04 PDT 2007

On Fri, 4 May 2007 01:29:37 -0700
Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> It's not an issue.

OK, wasn't aware of that. 

> I think I forgot my footnote.  It would have been that, actually, I
> really don't believe in non-destructive resizing utilities.  Instead, my

Actually, I've never tried using them (such as the canonical FIPS
resizer, since I've never run DOS on my *own* boxen) so whether they
work or not is a moot point, at least for me. 

I've had to move partitions around (such as when they were too smail or
two big) and rename or use them in a different way. Basically I go
about it the same way - just have enough free space in your largest
partition to accomodate the contents of another one, tar up the
partition of interest, remake/empty/what have you, copy the data back
and edit /etc/fstab to suit.

David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
dfox at tsoft.com                            change magnetic patterns
dfox at m206-157.dsl.tsoft.com               on your hard disk.

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