[conspire] [Off-topic] Always a bridesmaid...

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Thu Aug 2 01:16:32 PDT 2007

Rick Moen:
> I'd heard that a rumour that Russell T. Davies wasn't going to be
> involved any more, which strikes me as a bad sign.

Well, if you ask me they should just turn the Dr. Who scriptwriting
reins over to Steven Moffat and let him make more masterpieces like _The
Girl in the Fireplace_ and _Blink_.  RTD may have raised the bar for the
series, but Moffat really showed everyone How It's Done.

"There should be a homonym exam before people are         Nick Moffitt
issued keyboards."     -- George Moffitt                 nick at zork.net

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